When Square Enix announced the “remake saga” for their all-time classic RPG and then noted that the game would be “cut into sections” to ensure quality throughout, gamers were a bit concerned. The game was in “full form” back on the PS1 and obtained legendary status, so why wouldn’t it be “In full” here? Well, their gambit paid off, and the first title featuring the “Midgar Saga” was a hit, not just because of the graphical upgrade but also because of the new elements fleshed out that part of the story. So, with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, gamers are expecting more of the same.
Based on everything we’ve seen so far, that will happen again. Every element of the title seems to be updated and even upgraded to certain extents. However, while there will be several minigames you can do, not unlike the first title, it’s been confirmed that one “classic” minigame won’t be in the title: snowboarding.
This reveal came via GameInformer. Game director Naoki Hamaguchi was asked a LOT of questions about the title in rapid-fire fashion, and the snowboarding game was one of them. He said it wouldn’t be there, and that seems pretty definitive.
The irony here is that this minigame was a bit infamous because it happened after THAT scene in the original game, which took players aback because of how “carefree” the minigame was despite the trauma that gamers had just suffered.
To that end, it’s possible that the minigame could arrive in the third and final entry of the “remake saga” due to its placement within the original title. We’ll have to wait a while to see if that’s the case. If you’re curious about other minigames you can do, there will still be Chocobo racing, and the game director revealed that the CPR minigame would return, too.
Plus, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will have loads of other things for you to do to fill your time. Previously, it was noted that the game could be played for up to 100 hours if you sought to get everything done, meaning you’ll be busy.
The story alone will satisfy many people, as the sequel will bring in several fan-favorite characters, expand the battle system, reveal more about the characters’ pasts, and so on. With so much to do, you can forgive the Square Enix team for not putting in this minigame so that they could focus on everything else they had to do.