The new slimmer model of the PlayStation 5 has been found in the wild, and compared to the original model of the console.
Thanks to HazzadorGaming, who credited these photos to phantompainss, we have these pictures to go through.
You can read up on the dimensions of both models online, but nothing beats seeing them in real life, side by side. And the first thing you may note is that the slimmer PlayStation 5 model with the plate covers, is about the same size as the original PlayStation 5 model without the plate covers.
That is a big deal because the plate covers themselves add so much more to the dimensions of the console. If you had originally made space for this console in your home without realizing how much space they added, this newer model would be a relief.
Other pictures compare how the two models look like from the top, on the side, and at the back. What they show us is that the slimmer PlayStation 5 is not that slim at all. That’s probably the reason that Sony decided not to call it the PlayStation 5 Slim.
The gold standard for this, of course, would be the PlayStation 2 Slimline model, which is barely bigger than the PlayStation One Mini.
To achieve this feat, Sony removed the bay for the HDD and the internal power supply, opting for a power brick. Because of the way technology has advanced in their consoles, Sony is unlikely to make a PlayStation this small again.
But, that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t make this PlayStation 5 smaller. It seems that Sony’s main motivation for this new model wasn’t really to make considerably smaller model to expand the use cases of the console, but just to make manufacturing slightly cheaper.
It may also be the case that when Sony finally announces the PlayStation 5 mid-generation console refresh, that it will also retain the dimensions of this slimmer model. Of course, that’s precisely what happened when Sony transitioned from the PlayStation 4 Slim to the PlayStation 4 Pro.
So this may be an interesting ‘upgrade’ option for PlayStation 5 owners now. But if you are a PlayStation 5 owner, you may want to hold off on getting this console in favor of waiting it out for the presumed reveal of the PlayStation 5 Pro in the future. Unless you don’t mind constantly changing consoles, in which case, you won’t have to wait that much longer for the upgrade.