In all the hustle and bustle that has been going on in the gaming world and beyond over the last few weeks, it’s very easy to forget that there was a big event coming up this weekend. Specifically, there’s another Splatfest on the horizon! It’s true! On the 14th, the next Splatoon 3 Splatfest will arrive, a battle of ice cream flavors! To refresh your memories, the topic is about which flavor is better: vanilla, strawberry, or mint chocolate chip. It’s a tough debate to be sure, but we’re certain you can pick a flavor that you like and roll with it.
To help celebrate the event and get you excited for the Splatfest, Nintendo has released some special art showcasing the Inklings in front of the ice cream in question. You can see the art above. We hope you don’t become hungry just at the sight of it!
Per usual, the Splatfest will start on Friday and end on Sunday, so you’ll have time to enjoy it no matter your plans this weekend.
If you can’t recall why chocolate isn’t on the topic selection ballot, that’s likely because chocolate had its own Splatfest earlier in the year. So why not have the other flavors get their day in the spotlight?
Splatoon 3 has been running strong throughout the year and continues to be one of the biggest hits on the Nintendo Switch. You can look at the sales alone, and you’ll see how well the game is doing. In terms of sales, Japan alone would show you just how popular and successful the game has been. Nintendo has done right by franchise fans, and these Splatfests are just the tip of the iceberg of what the company has been giving them in terms of gameplay options.
But the options aren’t ending anytime soon. We know that Nintendo has another thing of DLC for the title coming. It’s called the “Side Order,” and it’ll take fans to an alternate version of the last game where Team Order won instead of Team Chaos. We’ll also get to hang out with Pearl and Marina for the first time since the third game arrived.
However, despite knowing it’s coming, Nintendo and the people at Squid Research Labs have been surprisingly quiet about it. Perhaps the DLC isn’t ready yet, or they’re waiting for the right time to announce it. It’s hard to say.
What we can say for certain is that the Splatfest will be a lot of fun, so don’t miss out!