The Nintendo Switch had a big week last week when they did a Nintendo Direct focused mainly on what was coming up in the rest of 2023. Between Mario, Pokemon, and more, there are some interesting things to be on the lookout for. However, one title that didn’t “make the cut” within the presentation was only days away from launch. That title is Everybody 1-2 Switch, a sequel/successor, if you will, to one of the original Switch launch titles. Many people have wondered why the game wasn’t shown there, and there are many answers for why that could be.
But no matter the truth, the game is coming out on June 30th, and Nintendo dropped a new gameplay trailer highlighting the various ways you can play and the games you can try with friends. They immediately highlight that up to eight people can play on a single Switch just by using Joy-Cons. So this is a title that will relish in local co-op play if you’re willing to bring friends and their Joy-Cons over.
Some of the games you can play include “Balloons,” where you have to try and fill up a balloon via a pumping motion without making it go pop. Then, there’s “Hip Bump,” where you have to try and bump your opponent off-screen before they do the same to you!
If you want to go fast, there’s “Relay Race,” where you’ll work with your team and try to “pass the baton” to get to the finish line first! Or if you’re up for a more combat-focused game, there’s “Samurai Sword Fight!” The first person to strike their opponent wins!
To get really meta, you can play “Hide and Seek,” where one of you will hide the Joy-Con, and you’ll need to find it based solely on the sound of its vibrations!
But wait, there’s more! There are even games that you can play with your phone that’ll allow you to do games with up to 100 players! You can check them and the rest of the game out below.
So now that you know what you can do in Everybody 1-2 Switch, it raises the question of why Nintendo is being so “low-key” about its upcoming launch.
The rumor is that the game hasn’t tested well with players, and thus Nintendo is trying to just “shove it out” and then move on to bigger games in 2023. We’ll see how well that rumor holds when the reviews arrive soon.