And in other news, here’s Ed Boon…being Ed Boon:
It’s been an interesting time to be a fan of a certain “Kombat series.” The 30th anniversary of the franchise was last year, and there’s another live-action movie in the works to follow up the 2021 reboot. Ed Boon, co-creator of the series, has been making various posts revealing the history of the games. But the thing that everyone wants information on is the upcoming Mortal Kombat 12. The game is coming because Warner Bros Discovery randomly dropped its announcement into a financial briefing. But since then, we’ve heard nothing, though one person thinks this could change soon.
That person is none other than SonicFox. If you don’t know that name, he’s a professional eSports gamer who has won tournaments for various fighting games, including the latest mainline entry for NetherRealm Studios series. In a tweet, he had this to say:
The joke from insider Jeff Grubb aside, SonicFox doesn’t make random tweets like that, so you have to wonder if he has an inclination about whether the upcoming title will be shown in full soon. It wouldn’t be the oddest thing given how the game’s existence was exposed, but you also can’t fully rely on an “insider,” given how many times the developers will release or announce things on their own time.
As noted, franchise co-creator Ed Boon has been doing all sorts of things on Twitter recently involving the franchise. He’s noted certain behind-the-scenes trivia that showcased small but beloved details about past entries, and he’s also asked about DLC and whether certain characters should come back.
The real question that fans have is likely, “How will Mortal Kombat 12 top the previous title?” That’s a critical question for more reasons than one. The biggest reason is that the previous title was the best-selling one in the entire franchise. So you know that NetherRealm will want to top that in sales. Second, the last game had an incredibly deep plot that embraced the franchise’s history through characters new and old and even had time travel. Once you hit the time travel portion of a franchise, you have to wonder how far they can push things forward.
Finally, there’s the DLC. The DLC for the last game was expansive and had numerous characters that people wouldn’t have expected, like Joker, Rambo, Robocop, Terminator, etc. That’s a collection of characters that will be hard to top.
That’s not to say it can’t be done, but it’ll make the wait for a reveal much harder.