The Last of Us Part 1‘s PC port has been coming under a lot of scrutiny recently due to a number of performance issues the game launched with. While Naughty Dog recently released the v. patch to help address a few of the concerns players had the latest patch, v. aims to tackle some more of the game’s performance issues. The latest patch aims to “improve memory, performance, and more.”
The full patch notes detail the following:
- Decreased PSO cache size to reduce memory requirements and minimize Out of Memory crashes
- Added additional diagnostics for developer tracking purposes
- Increased animation streaming memory to improve performance during gameplay and cinematics
- Fix for crash on first boot
Alongside this, Naughty Dog is also aware of a number of known issues they are currently addressing including:
- Loading shaders takes longer than expected
- Performance and stability are degraded while shaders are loading in the background
- Older graphics drivers lead to instability and/or graphical problems
- The game may be unable to boot despite meeting the minimum system requirements
- A potential memory leak
- Mouse and camera jitter for some players, depending on hardware and display settings
While there are still a number of known issues that have yet to be fixed Naughty Dog is urging players to report any bugs or problems they encounter while playing that will help them “gather more data and insights.” In a previous statement on Twitter following the game’s launch Naughty Dog tweeted:
We will continue to update you, but our team is prioritizing updates and will address issues in upcoming patches.
Our team continues to monitor our support pages, submit a ticket for any issues you encounter here: https://feedback.naughtydog.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
For more information, please check out our Known Issues page for the PC version to see some of the issues our team is investigating: https://feedback.naughtydog.com/hc/en-us/articles/14377887346452-Known-Issues
Naughty Dog
The previous v. patch set out to address a number of issues including:
- Fixed several performance & hitch-related issues impacting some users.
- Note: Additional improvements and investigations based on user feedback are underway.
- Added extra crash diagnostic information to assist in investigating shader building-related crashes and other commonly reported stability issues.
While there are still a lot more issues to address Naughty Dog seems to be rolling out patches as quickly as possible and hopefully, the title will rival that of its PlayStation 5 counterpart given some time.
The Last of Us Part 1 is currently available on PlayStation 5 and PC.