Now that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has been out for about a month, The Pokemon Company and Nintendo are trying to do all they can to keep players interested in the title beyond the standard gameplay loop. One of the ways that they’re doing that is through the Mystery Gift service. They’re providing players with free items, materials, and other rewards so that they can use them to enhance their experience. You may recall that there have recently been many Mystery Gift giveaways featuring the food ingredients you use during picnics. But this time around, they’re giving away something else, League Points.
The League Points were a new feature in the game, allowing players to buy things without spending money. You usually get the League Points after defeating Gym Leaders or clearing things like the Team Star path. But now, if you go into the Mystery Gift and use the code “READY4RA1D,” you’ll get 20,000 League Points. It’s not a huge amount, given how much it takes to buy things with those points. But it could be the edge you need to get something you’ve had your eye on for a while and wanted to conserve some money or points before buying.
That’s not the only thing going on in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, obviously. Tera Raids are the other event that Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have been showing off since launch. We’ve already had multiple events starring multiple Pokemon, and more are likely on the way, so stay tuned for that.
The big rumor that is going on right now, however, is about DLC. It’s been guessed that Gen 9 would have DLC based on what happened with Gen 8. It was the first generation to have DLC, and most gamers liked the content that we got. Those two DLC packs brought two new areas to the Galar region and introduced all-new Pokemon for us to catch, including legendary Pokemon.
There have been a few “leaks” about the DLC for Gen 9, but nothing has been confirmed yet. However, there are possibilities for what the DLC could be about. The biggest one, spoilers ahead, has to do with the Paradox Pokemon. At the end of the game, we discovered that the professors made a time machine to access the past and the future of the Pokemon world and brought Pokemon from that time to the present.
That could play a factor in things with the DLC. Or they might go in another direction. Only time will tell.
Source: Nintendo Everything