Fortnite is a massive game and has helped pave the way for other incredibly successful battle royale titles. Like other games this time of year, there are winter and holiday events. It’s the giving season, and Epic Games is providing players with a bunch of goodies to unlock. If you’re an active player, make sure to venture over to the Cozy Lodge and partake in the free gift you can unwrap. But you’ll only get to unwrap one gift per day, and as a result, you’ll have to guess which box to rip into first.
The event will last until January 3, 2022, and you’ll have fourteen presents to unwrap. Inside these presents will be anything from new skins, gliders, back bling, emotes, and more. Each day at 9 AM ET, you’ll be able to unwrap a present, so it’s up to players to check in daily to get each present. Unfortunately, being the first day, we’re not quite sure just yet if each present is set to be a specific item or if you can expect these presents to offer rewards at random. Regardless, there have been reports online to highlight which present comes with the different items being handed out.
For instance, you can check out the guidelines from Dexerto, which notes which gift you’ll want to unwrap for a certain reward item. But if you rather it be a complete surprise, then you can select a box at random. Regardless, if you log in daily, you’ll secure all these gifts by January 3, 2022. In the meantime, you can log into your Fortnite account today and get started with your first gift.
In other recent news regarding Fortnite, players have not been loving the addition of the hurdle mechanic. Fans of the game have found the mechanic is way too sensitive, and as a result, we’re seeing some players accidentally vault over a ledge and falling to their deaths. Others have noted that this mechanic has found the mechanic impossible to deal with when seeking small objects to cover behind.
Additionally, Epic Games has recently partnered up with MrBeast in a recent promotion. Players that want to partake in the promotion could find themselves earning a million USD. That’s quite the competition if you’re looking to take on the Extreme Survival Challenge. Meanwhile, if you still have yet to give Fortnite a chance, the game can be downloaded for free on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.