The brand-new Pokémon games were released recently; Pokémon Scarlet & Violet both entered the market on November 18, and with it, a new collection of Pokémon entered our lives. One Pokémon that is causing quite the stir is Tandemaus, which people are claiming to be the cutest Pokémon of Generation 9, but we’ll be the judge of that one.
Tandemaus is an interesting design in that it is literally just two little mice holding hands, and to be fair, that is quite an adorable concept. The games themself is one that has had several issues in their short life so far, but one of the best parts about them is the Pokémon designs. Some of their Pokémon have already become fan favorites, long before the games were even released due to a select few being revealed over the past year. Pokémon like Fidough, Lechonk, and Quaxley were some of the first designs shown to the world, and now the games are out, fans have been studying the rest of these creatures in great detail.
The cutest Pokémon in the game though? Now that is quite the claim. Tandemaus is a normal type Pokémon, which might not be the most exciting type, but it’s one that has notoriously consisted of some of the cutest Pokémon in the franchise. Two mice holding hands is adorable, and this amount of cuteness is short-circuiting some people’s brains already, with some people calling it the best Pokémon of Generation 9. Now, for me, a normal Pokémon doesn’t ignite the soul, and they are barely worth mentioning, to be honest, with Snorlax and Arceus being exceptions.
It didn’t take long before social media did its thing and quickly flooded our timelines with excitable fans professing their love for the tandem mice. Fans noted the little red face that Tandemaus makes when they scream, as well as the adorable clapping animation that happens when they’re happy. And what about their entry into the Pokédex? It mentions that they “split any food they find exactly in half,” which is enough to melt anyone’s heart.
Here’s the thing though because what’s cuter than two mice Pokémon holding hands? How about a family of four mice? Yep, that’ll do it all right. Tandemaus evolves into Maushold (these names by the way) starting at level 25, and it is literally the same two mice as the previous form, but they are now joined by mummy and daddy mouse. It will evolve on-screen if it has participated in the battle, but apart from that, it can also randomly evolve after a level-up in your party without you even knowing.
These Pokémon are very cute, and they might very well be the cutest in this new generation, but they’ve still got a long way to go before they’re considered contenders for the cutest Pokémon of all time, and we could be here all day ranking them.