The latest playable character in Overwatch 2 Ramattra will be getting a gameplay trailer on November 26. The upcoming trailer will give players a first look at how the leader of Null Sector will play and how Ramattra will fit in on a given team.
There are a few things we know about Ramattra already; we know he’s the de facto leader of Null Sector. In Overwatch, Null Sector is a terrorist organization with a goal of Omnic seperatism. Omnics in Overwatch are sentient robotic beings, such as the playable Zenyatta and Bastion. Speculatively, Null Sector may be a remnant from when Overwatch was meant to be an MMO instead of a class-based shooter.
In terms of his gameplay, we know that Ramattra is set to be a tank and will join the likes of Reinhardt, D.va, Roadhog, and others protecting their team on the frontline. Though even among tanks there’s plenty of room for variation and many Overwatch fans will eagerly explain how Roadhog isn’t a replacement for Reinhardt in a competitive team comp. Ramattra’s abilities appear to be more offensive, putting him in a similar category of tank as Roadhog, Doomfist, and Wrecking Ball. Instead of offering strategic shielding to help his team push a front, Ramattra is more like an offensive vanguard; his job appears to be to break the enemy’s formation with his own body. This playstyle has more in common with flanking DPS than it does Tanks; and while he does have a shield ability he will likely fall behind Reinhardt and Orissa in this aspect.
Ramattra’s abilities involve tactical use of his “Nemesis” form. Every once in a while, he can assume this form for a total of eight seconds which gives him increased armor and melee potential. It’s during this Nemesis transformation that he will likely try and break the enemy’s formation and it’s during this time that enemies will likely anticipate an attack.
Anything else we could say about Ramattra is purely speculation based on looking at his toolkit. Developers tend to have their own visions when they create and balance characters in games like Overwatch 2, that’s what makes it so fun to break the meta! We’ll have to see what Blizzard’s plan is for the Omnic terrorist is when the new gameplay trailer comes out on November 26. Maybe later we can hear more about this new Support hero they’ve been whispering about?