The Pokemon Company has been having a lot of fun teasing the upcoming Scarlet and Violet Pokemon. The games will feature the 9th generation of Pokemon and new features for the mainline games that’ll entice players to do things in different ways. But now, a new tease has been found on the Official Pokemon YouTube Channel. Unfortunately, the title of the video is “????,” and there’s no description of the video. The only clue is the thumbnail picture that features a nighttime area with a Gengar. So naturally, many will speculate on what this all is and means.
Your first inclination might be to think it’s a tease for a trailer that’s coming up. That could be the case, and yet, why would they go to such “ominous” lengths to tease a trailer? Looking at the thumbnail again, another option is the “documentary-style videos” they’ve done in the past. We just had one of those recently with the Wiglett reveal. Given how there’s a Gengar in the thumbnail, and we’re close to Halloween, it could be reasoned that the game is about to unveil a brand new Ghost-Type Pokemon. One of those hasn’t been revealed yet for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Granted, we can’t know for sure, but we can say we’ll find out tomorrow at 8 AM CST. So hopefully, we’ll get all the answers we desire.
The Pokemon Company has been doing all it can to keep some of the suspense of the upcoming titles intact. After all, the last few generations have had plenty of leaks, making them very upset. They want the games to have surprises, so they are slowly releasing information about the Paldea region, the Pokemon you meet, the characters you’ll battle again, etc. They don’t want to spoil everything, especially since this generation is potentially changing the franchise for the better.
The games will feature the first fully open world the series has ever had. Furthermore, there will be three different story paths for you to take. That way, you don’t have to battle the eight gyms and the Pokemon League if you don’t want to. The co-op features have also been greatly expanded. To the extent that you can now travel the world with other players and not only do raid battles with them. There is also the Terrastalizing feature, where Pokemon will gain gem-like forms that can augment their types.
If you want to spend more time with your Pokemon, you must visit the picnic areas. There, you can feed the Pokemon custom sandwiches that’ll grant you perks, clean them after a long journey, and even find a Pokemon egg if you are lucky!
The game has a lot to offer and will offer even more after tomorrow.
Source: YouTube