For fans of real-time strategy games, Age of Empires IV is a must-play. Released last fall for PC, the title invites players to take control of a civilization as they grow and fight their way from the Early Middle Ages to the early Renaissance. The next Season Three Update is coming on October 25, and promises to bring new civilizations, new challenges, new achievements, new features, and plenty more to the game for players to enjoy.
Two new civilizations will be added with the new update: the Ottomans and the Malians. The Ottomans are known for their military prowess, Imperial Council system, and unique Military School system. Originating in Anatolia, the Ottomans are known as one of the longest-lasting empires in history. Those choosing this civilization will be able to appoint Viziers to their Imperial Council, giving access to nine unique technologies. Units include the Great Bombard, the Mehter, and the Sipahi.
The Malians are all about gold. This civilization focuses on the economy, preferring more strategic hit-and-run tactics rather than lengthy battles. Once a collection of independent kingdoms, the Malians eventually came together to become one of the most influential West African empires ever, and one of the richest trading nations in history. Choosing this civilization will enable players to construct Pit Mines on top of Gold Deposits to automatically generate a constant stream of gold over time. Units include the Musofadi Warrior, the Javelin Thrower, and the Donso.
The new update will also introduce two new single-player “Art of War” Survival Challenges focused on the two new civilizations. Taking part in these challenges will help players to better understand and master each civ.
One long-requested feature from fans is finally being implemented in Age of Empires IV–taunts and cheats! As many would expect, using cheats will stop any progression toward Achievements, Challenges, and Masteries. They can be used in Custom games and Skirmish games, with a specific few being available to use in Campaign missions. Cheats also can’t be used in Quick Match or Ranked Modes.
The Anniversary Update is also adding eight new maps: Forest Ponds, Hideout, Mountain Clearing, Wetlands, Prairie, Waterholes, Mediterranean, and Oasis. Longtime fans of the series may recognize the last two, as the Mediterranean map appeared in the Rise of Rome expansion for the original Age of Empires, while the Oasis map was featured in Age of Empires II.
A number of bug fixes, improvements, and other changes are listed on the official site.
Developed by Relic Entertainment and World’s Edge, Age of Empires IV was published by Xbox Game Studios. The title was originally released on October 28, 2021 for PC. It won the award for Best Sim/Strategy Game at The Game Awards 2021.