Nintendo has raised the question about making a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to fans in a new survey.
MyNintendo users were sent a survey where they were asked about potential future Pokemon games. They raised this inquiry in this multiple choice question:
Which kind(s) of Pokemon game(s) would you like to play in the future? Please select all that apply.
- A new game similar to Pokemon GO
- A new type of Pokemon adventure set in an open world that offers more freedom to choose what to do and where to go next (e.g. Pokemon Scarlet / Violet)
- A new entry in an existing spin-off series (e.g. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, New Pokemon Snap)
- A new adventure similar to traditional Pokemon games with a set path through the world and a lineary story (e.g. Pokemon Sword/Shield, Pokemon Red/Blue)
- A remake/remaster of a traditional Pokemon game (e.g. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl, Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire)
- Something else ________
- I’m not interested in playing any Pokemon games in the future
As you can see, these surveys give a sneak peek at what kinds of games Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are considering for the future. (Note: Nintendo is one of the companies that owns The Pokemon Company, acting as publisher and platform holder alongside Game Freak, the developer that makes the video games, and Creatures, that makes the trading card game.)
It is particularly interesting that they ask about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, as something of a niche in the bigger video game and media franchise that is Pokemon. Unlike the traditional linear RPG that most Pokemon games are known for, or the open world games like Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is basically a roguelike. In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you actually play a Pokemon instead of a trainer collecting Pokemon. You can still collect other Pokemon as allies like in other Pokemon games, but these differentiating elements make it a unique experience.
The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series are successful in their own right. There have been eleven games in the series, including Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for the Nintendo Switch. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is itself a remake of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team from 2005 on the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. Nintendo played safe with this latest game and was rewarded with 1.89 million copies sold as of December 31, 2021. While that is a respectable number, it places the game as the 41st best selling game on the Nintendo Switch.
While Nintendo and The Pokemon Company ha an incentive to make more of the financially successful Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, they are in the strange position of not making these games a priority, because they have so many other more successful games they can make. While fans can feel that these games come few and far between compared to other types of Pokemon games, at least Nintendo and The Pokemon Company has indicated that the interest is still there, and they will make more if fans show an interest too.
You can read our coverage of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX below.
Latest Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Trailer Turns You Into a Pokemon
Review Roundup: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Seems to be a Mixed Bag
Source: NintendoLife