Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak has not only been the major expansion that many fans were hoping for ever since the main title was released, but it’s also promised a set of future updates that would add to the game even further. Fans are desperately looking forward to each one, not the least of which because these updates are free, and as a result, they could drop at any time, promising to pull players right back into the game. Case in point, Capcom has revealed at the Tokyo Game Show that the second free title update will be released on September 29 and will bring a set of three deadly monsters for gamers to try and survive against.
Specifically, those three monsters are Flaming Espinas, Violet Mizutsune, and Risen Chameleos. Just the names alone indicate that they are powerful foes, so be ready for them when they arrive.
The Flaming Espinas monster was actually confirmed to be coming to the title a while back, but the other ones are new reveals. Violet Mizutsune, for example, will have bubbles that from afar will seem alluring or enticing. But players must be careful, because they’re actually filed with a gas that will explode if certain graceful movements strike them.
Then, there’s Risen Chameleos who is an Elder Dragon, which automatically makes it an instant threat to all players. The dragon has achieved a fusion with Qurio, which actually makes it immune from the affliction while also making it something now much more powerful than it arguably should be. But, there’s some good news on that front. If you go and defeat it, you’ll be able to get special materials for crafting–ones that already have new skills imbued in them! This makes this elder dragon a prime target for those who want to ensure their hunter has the best gear and weapons around.
If you’re looking for things to do beyond these three monsters, fear not–the game is offering more than just that. For example, there will be more Anomaly Quests for you to do, and Anomaly Investigations are going to be getting more attention as well. Also, your level cap will be able to reach 120 this time around!
Still not enough? Capcom is adding a new thing called Layered Weapons. With this new addition, you’ll be able to keep a weapon’s stats and abilities but change up the visuals. Sometimes, the best weapon just doesn’t have the right aesthetic. Much like other popular games on the market, the real end game is all about the drip.
With continuous updates and weekly quest additions, you can see why Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is so popular and selling millions on the Nintendo Switch and the PC.
Source: Nintendo Everything