It’s incredibly hard to not be excited for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, because with every major reveal that Nintendo presents for the game, something important or unique gets shown off that gets gamers talking. For example, just yesterday, The Pokemon Company showed off a map of the entirety of the new region of Paldea. It looks to be a really nice and expansive region with all sorts of things to do in the now open-world title that we’re getting. But, if you’re wanting to get more information on the game sooner rather than later, we have some good news for you straight from Twitter.
Yep, it’s true–a brand new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is coming out tomorrow, and it’s already being highly anticipated because the last trailer showed off some interesting things at the Pokemon World Champions a little while back. For example, that last trailer showed off Cyclizar, a new Pokemon that had a really interesting ability via Shed Tail. It also possibly hinted at a Pokemon that tied into the legendary Pokemon of the Paldea region via how it looked and its “Ride Pokemon” status.
We also got a look at some brand new items for the game that’ll definitely add some more strategy to combat over time via the Mirror Herb and the Loaded Dice. Online battle information was also given out recently and highlighted the special rooms where players can engage in fighting and training.
This also doesn’t note the rather dramatic build-up that they did for the new Pokemon Grafaiai that the team revealed the other day that had the internet buzzing because of its unique look and abilities. So given all of that, one can only wonder what the new trailer is going to show off, especially since they don’t give any true indications as to what to expect or even how long the trailer is going to be.
Now, if we were to take a guess, the obvious thing we’re going to see is more new Pokemon. We’ve only seen about a dozen Pokemon from the Paldea region, and fans know there’s more than that. The only real question is whether we’ll get a singular reveal like the last two or if we’ll get a set of new Poke-reveals in order to really get the internet talking.
Of course, there’s also more we could learn about the story of the game and how it fits in the Paldea Reason. During the last main trailer, they noted that the players’ journey would take place via a “Treasure Hunt” at an academy. This was where we learned that there are three main paths that the player can take on their journey. We only know one of them, could we finally learn about the other two?
We’ll have to tune in tomorrow to see!
Source: Twitter