Inklings and Octolings rejoice! The Splatfest World Premiere has arrived, and that means that a few weeks before its arrival, you’ll be able to play Splatoon 3, and do it for free no less! For the uninitiated, the Splatfest is a very special event where gamers come together to fight over what they feel is the “better topic” or choice for the event. In this case, we’re going to debate the first-ever three-way battle of Rock vs Paper vs Scissors!
The Splatfest World Premiere is going on right now and will end at 11 PM CST. This means at the time of this writing the Splatfest isn’t even halfway over, so jump in now so you can go and have fun!
The Splatfest will feature you having access to all the basic weapons so you can choose the one you want to battle in. Just be sure to look at what the special weapons are, as that will definitely affect your strategy! It’s important to note here that since it’s just the demo, you won’t be able to grow in level or buy other weapons with different abilities. Same with your clothing options. You’ll have to work with the basics in this first demo Splatfest, but that shouldn’t be a problem due to everyone having to do the same!
A small warning, when you download the demo, you won’t go straight to the Splatfest. Rather, you’ll get to decorate your Inkling/Octoling and your Smallfruy, and then go through a small tutorial to get you ready for everything that’ll go down in the Splatfest itself. Once you reach the Splatlands, you’ll need to head into the lobby and then head to the nearby elevator in order to start a battle. You’ll only have the Turf War option just to be clear.
Every two hours the two stages selected for the Splatfest will rotate, so don’t get too comfortable, because there will be a change coming.
On Twitter, it was revealed that if you are able to be in a 10X battle, and then win it, you’ll get a “Festival Shell.” Collecting these will enable you and your teammates to be more likely to have a 100X battle, and a brand new one in the 333X battle! Further making every single battle in the Splatfest World Premiere more important!
Also, in the back half of the Splatfest is when you will get to do the first-ever triple threat turf wars! Where the two lower ranking teams will face off against the lead team at the time and try to take them down!
Get in the Splatfest before time runs out, and have a blast!
Source: Twitter