Earlier today, Capcom announced that demon hunter/leather aficionado Dante would be jumping on the increasingly crowded HD rerelease bandwagon with his own his own remastered rerelease. Now, the developer has given us our first look at the Devil May Cry HD Collection in the form of nine shiny new screenshots.
While Cacpom hasn't explicitly stated that they'll be updating the games' assets to accompany the new HD resolution, these screens definitely look quite a bit more impressive than their last-gen counterparts. The textures and lighting effects definitely seem to have been given a much needed rejuvenation, which really helps to drive home just how stellar the franchise’s art direction really is.
On looks alone, this HD collection is definitely shaping up to be a great way to relive old memories or experience the series for the first time in preparation for next year's reboot, DmC.
The Devil May Cry HD Collection, which includes the first three games in the trilogy along with bonus content and support for achievements and trophies, launches in early 2012 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, at the budget price of $39.99.
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