Elden Ring doesn’t go easy on you, but it does give you plenty of tools to overcome even the toughest monsters. As you progress in Elden Ring, you’ll unlock more talisman slots so you can equip up to four at a time. That’s a lot of choices, and some talismans are incredibly useful. To help you decide, we’re going to share our 10 favorite talismans and where to find them all on the map. These are pretty focused on the later portion of the game, but some can be found incredibly early — like we’re talking first few hours of the game early.
Put on your walking boots, because we’re going to track down 10 favorite talismans. There’s a lot we didn’t put on this list, and most of these talismans are suited for melee damage-dealers instead of magical Tarnished, so we may have to revisit this list in the future with even more talisman locations. There’s just too much to talk about in Elden Ring for one little list.
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Erdtree’s Favor +2: Raises maximum HP, Stamina and Equip Load.
One of the best all-purpose talismans in Elden Ring. Found in Leyndell, Ashen Capitol in the end-game. From the Forbidden Lands Site of Grace, return to the capitol area to enter a massive courtyard filled with ash and patrolled by an Ulcerated Tree Spirit. There are two more hidden in the sand. Find the talisman on a tree branch in the center of the area.
You can also find the standard version right at the start of the game. The regular Erdtree’s Favor is found at the bottom of the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave in the tutorial dungeon area. Use a Stronesword Key to gain access.

Dragoncrest Greatshield: Enormously boost physical damage negation.
Incredibly useful for boss fights if you’re using a shield build, as it lowers physical damage negation. Find this shield in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. Starting at the Drainage Channel, go through the east exit and walk across the plant walkways — you’ll need to follow the winding root path to reach a rooftop and drop through the window onto the beams below. From the beams you can reach a ledge guarded by pests.

Great Jar’s Arsenal: Vastly raises maximum equip load.
Wear even more armor and move freely. Earn it by travelling to the giant Great Jar arena in Dragonbarrow, Caelid. He’s a giant jar sitting outside a colosseum building. Defeat the three invaders he summons to complete his trial and collect his talisman reward.

Green Turtle Talisman: Raises stamina recovery speed.
Absolutely useful for early game players or anyone that’s low on stamina. Located in Summonwater Village, on the northeast path from Limgrave to Caelid. Find the underground entrance blocked by a Stonesword Key door.

Lord of Blood’s Exultation: Blood loss in vicinity increases attack power.
For Bleed builds only. One of the best weapons in the game, Rivers of Blood, is a bleed weapon — so it goes on the list. Dropped by the boss Esgar, Priest of Blood in the Leyndell Catacombs dungeon. This is one of the trippiest dungeons in the game with a bizarre repeating layout. You’ll find it in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds sewers of Leyndell.

Taker’s Cameo: Restores HP upon defeating enemies.
A simple talisman that is only useful for exploration or dungeons. Still, it is pretty useful at keeping you alive for longer. Earn it by completing three steps of Lady Tanith’s quest in Volcano Manor — the massive structure at the top of Mt. Gelmir.

Shard of Alexander: Greatly boosts the attack power of skills.
A simple and effective talisman. Boosts the damage of your Ash of War skills — and some of them already do incredible damage. Dropped by Alexander the Iron Fist after completing his long quest. This is one of the longest quests in the game, so be prepared — you’ll have to reach the last stage in Crumbling Farum Azula, the final required location in the game.

Carian Filigreed Crest: Lowers FP consumed by skills.
A perfect pair with the Shard of Alexander. Use less FP to unleash your skills. Can be purchased from War Counselor Iji — you can find this vendor at Kingsrealm Ruins in northwest Liurnia of the Lakes, or in Caria Manor after agreeing to join a pact with Ranni in Ranni’s Rise.

Rotten Winged Sword Insignia: Greatly increases attack power with successive attacks.
If you’re a fast attacker, this talisman is life-changer. Perfect for dual-wielding katanas and unleashing a torrent of deadly (and deadlier) attacks. Another one of the trickiest talismans to earn in the game. To get it, you must complete Millicent’s Quest — at the end of her questline, she’ll summon three sisters. Defeat them to earn the talisman.
Millicent is first encountered in the Church of Plague, past the spectral gate in Selia, Town of Sorcery. Defeat the Godskin Apostle in Volcano Manor and she will appear in Windmill Village. You need to follow her to each location, talk to her, then travel to the next location — the final location is in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, right before the Malenia boss. Learn how to reach this optional dungeon here.

Furled Finger’s Trick-Mirror: Take on the appearance of a Host of Fingers.
The last talisman is a dirty trick for invaders — but very useful for getting close to your target. Very easy to get. Available for purchase at the Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold for 5,000 runes. That’s it!
There are so many more talismans, but these are my personal favorites. Got talismans you can’t live without? Let us know. We’re always looking for more amazing items to talk about in Elden Ring.
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