World War Z, the popular zombie shooter based on the novel of the same name, has finally received a release date for the Nintendo Switch. Surprisingly, it’s just a week away. The game will release on the Nintendo Switch on November 2.
World War Z follows a trend of big games being, surprisingly, ported to Nintendo’s console. The Nintendo Switch is far less powerful than even the PS4 and Xbox One so it’s always a surprise when games like this make their way to the console. Some of the most notable examples are The Witcher 3 and The Outer Worlds. The Witcher 3 is one of the most impressive examples of a Switch port and that was also handled by World War Z’s developer, Saber Interactive.
Although not all ports of big games fare well on the Nintendo Switch, getting any of these games onto the console is no easy feat. CEO of World War Z developer, Saber Interactive, Matt Karch described porting the game to the Switch as “the hardest thing we have had to do”. With their track record of porting games to the Switch, hopes will be high that this zombie co-op game is one of the better Switch ports.
The game originally launched back in 2019 but has benefitted from regular updates and improvements ever since. Crossplay was added to the game last year and a new version of the game, World War Z: Aftermath was released just last month. Aftermath introduced three new locations to the game, new characters, an improved melee mode, and a first-person mode along with all of the GOTY editions content from last year.
A free next-gen update for World War Z is also in the works for next year. Owners of the game will receive a free upgrade on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles.