There's excessive and then there's excessive. And beyond even that, there's the L.Y.N.X. 9, an upcoming PC and Android controller from accessory maker Mad Catz. Gamers familiar with Mad Catz's usual quality of chintzy third-party home console controllers are unprepared for this initimidating beast so extravagant that its acronym isn't actually short for anything — I read through the product description several times just to be sure.
Looking for all the world like one of Michael Bay's over-designed metal monstrosities, the L.Y.N.X. 9 can use a clip to affix an Android phone, be enlarged to support a 7" tablet, output the mobile display to your TV via HDMI, support a miniature QWERTY keyboard, or be folded up for easy storage. It also costs an insane $299.99 — let me remind you that ths is a controller, as in it isn't the actual machine on which games are played.
The L.Y.N.X. 9 doesn't come out until March, so save up by maybe not buying the solid gold toilet scrubber you've had your eye on. Perhaps Mad Catz can cut a deal with the BBC to make L.Y.N.X. 9 the next Sonic Screwdriver in Doctor Who, then the price can justified by claiming it's a prop replica.