The first part of The Making of Murdered: Soul Suspect is now available on the game's YouTube page. It is a four part behind the scenes look and this video highlights the mystery surrounding the game.
Senior design producer Eric Studer talked about the title's core pillars: the nature of the investigation and the ghostliness of the game. He expressed how they want the player to be invested in bringing the killer to justice in addition to adding a huge emphasis on how the ghost element impacts the world and story.
Audio lead Jordan Stock explained how the game is a mix of the ghost and the living world. Therefore, there's a balance between the horror and psychological thriller genres.
The story is noted to be influenced from famous ghost lore. According to lead writer Doug Van Horne, the game contains "everything from slowly drawn out tense moments, jump scares, to things that are extremely grotesque."
Being a ghost doesn't make players automatically superior from the living though. The protagonist Ronan has his limitations too like he can't physically pick up and feel evidence to get a sense of what it is. Players are forced to examine it from a different perspective. Possession allows us to examine evidence and the environment through their living's perspective.
If you want to know more, check out the recent 101 trailer for the game and footage that contains 25 minutes of gameplay.
Murdered: Souls Suspect will be released on June 3rd in North America for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Watch out for our review when the game goes live.