Did The Number Of New Mega Evolutions In Pokemon Legends Z-A Get Revealed?
Lots of Mega Stones to find...
Lots of Mega Stones to find...
You're going to have to attach them all.
Don't worry; it's not a big jump.
Hoping for something better next console?
A new way to see Lumiose City
They gotta settle them all.
They are the next in line...
We knew the event was coming, but what are we going to see in it?
Gotta Want'Em All! ALL THE TRAILERS!
We are grateful for this act.
There's a lot that's gone on recently in the background that fans may not have noticed.
Wait, isn't "Snake" spelled backwards...?
Yep, keep it coming...
Yeah, we all saw this one coming.
...have you learned nothing?
Time for space and time to collide!
You've already gotten it, haven't you?
Well, it is one of the best Pokemon ever...