58 Best Action-Adventure Games With Incredible Worlds
We like our action-adventure romps with a side of beautiful scenery.
We like our action-adventure romps with a side of beautiful scenery.
She's been around for quite a while.
Grab your cloak and dagger and strike from the shadows in these epic stealth titles.
The best PlayStation 4 stealth games you can play today.
Explore the legendary lifestyle of Lara Croft.
Will Lara Croft have a new voice?
Players can choose what video game to unlock for September 2018.
Square Enix shares details for the 2013 title.
Square Enix tantalises through the power of Insta.
Sales end January 23, get moving!
Writer reveals that Tomb Raider originally had more deaths.
"For people to finally get her name right"
Who do you think won?
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Exploring the Croft Manor DLC reveals tons of callbacks, references, and in-jokes for fans of the original PS1 era series.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Find every optional tomb in Rise of the Tomb Raider and get the solutions for them all right here.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is finally coming to the PS4. But was it worth the wait?
Watch Lara kick some ass in the newest trailer for the upcoming PS4 release of her game.
Gorgeous 4k screenshots from the game, and also a PS4 Pro game play trailer make this DLC look incredible.
Lara Croft must fight for her ancestral home.
Lara Croft is about to face off against zombies?
Coming to PS4! New DLC, plus a Playstation VR feature are included here.
Rise of the Tomb Raider wallpapers for 4K, 1080p HD and 720p HD resolutions. Download here for free!
Lara Croft fights waves of infected enemies in Cold Darkness Awakened.