Nintendo Drops Overview Trailer For Super Mario RPG Remake!
Are you ready for the game that started the RPG adventures for Mario?
Are you ready for the game that started the RPG adventures for Mario?
Last chance for something new!
Well...they did make a billion off of it...
It's nice to dream...
Everyone thinks it's wonderful!
It really makes you...Wonder...
Ironically? Not an annoying flower at all!
Just when you thought the game couldn't get any weirder.
Challenging, but with options.
...and the voice actor is...?
UPDATE Do you hope that Ubisoft gives this man a chance to bring Rayman back in full? Let us know in the comments below! ORIGINAL STORY When it comes to video game icons, gamers sometimes have a misconception that every game with them is good and that their titles come out at a good clip …
Coincidence...I THINK NOT!
Make it sound how you want! does sound a little better..