Do you want the next Mario title to be that big? Or do you want a more “refined experience?” Let us know below!
Because we’re in a “waiting period” for Nintendo to hurry up and announce its next system, we’re going to be hearing all sorts of rumors and speculation about any and all video games that may be coming to the system at launch and close to it. This speculation has already affected The Big N as their stock prices have risen in anticipation of all that’s coming. But we’re talking about all this today because of a rumor concerning the follow-up to Super Mario Odyssey. Most agree it will likely be the launch title for the Switch successor, and one “insider” says it’s way bigger than you think.
The insider is none other than Zippo, who has been very busy of late posting all sorts of rumors about Nintendo and what they’re hoping to do with the Switch successor. This new rumor about Mario states that the game won’t just be an open-world title, which would follow the trend of certain franchises recently, but that it’ll be four times the size of Super Mario Odyssey. And when he says “four times the size,” he means if you were to combine all the kingdoms and places you could go in the game together, it’d be quadruple that size.
It’s important to remember that the 2017 wasn’t small by any stretch of the imagination. And while it may not have been open-world in the traditional sense, you could go about the kingdoms in whatever way you wanted to collect all the available moons. There was no set order that you needed to do them in. There were even secret areas like the “Dark Side of the Moon” you could go to if you collected the moons in the other levels.
So if this new game is four times the size, that’s the biggest title with Mario by a long stretch, and gamers will have plenty to do. Zippo even said that the game will have multiple characters you can play as!
Another tidbit he said is that Nintendo is already done with the title, which would further enforce the belief that the game will be a launch title for the Switch successor. However, since Nintendo has not unveiled the game or the system yet, we need to be cautious about everything we hear.
Even with the rumors that seem plausible, like a new game with Mario coming soon, you must be cautious because not all the details may be accurate.