This is Why There Was No New Halo Reveal During E3
“they are not yet ready to be announced.”
“they are not yet ready to be announced.”
343 Industries will double down for next main Halo installment.
Check out what comes with the latest Halo Wars 2 DLC.
The dev hopes to address some of the most common issues players are facing.
Give the title a try, you might actually like it!
Have your first listen right here!
Will you be able to overcome Atriox?
The sci-fi worlds of Halo Wars 2 get immortalised on paper.
Bonnie Ross unveils new details regarding to cancelled Halo Mega Bloks title.
Halo Mega Bloks prototype gameplay unveiled.
We may soon see a LEGO Halo game announcement.
Vehicle joins 350 other cars in the game.
Marty O'Donnell produced music for the game, which was built on Halo: Combat Evolved's engine.
New graphic novel anthology coming this October.
The game will be available next month on Xbox One and PC.
Mass Effect Andromeda's lead writer, Christopher Schlerf, has left Bioware, returning to Bungie.