Helldivers 2 Breaks Down Upcoming Expansion In Blog Post
We are all...Servants of Freedom.
We are all...Servants of Freedom.
But they won't have the final say.
Paul Verhoeven is working in Hollywood again, just saying.
It’s not entirely clear that Sony really is learning from Helldivers 2’s success.
Just "Musings" At The Moment...
I guess Sony is a monopsony.
Console monopolists, say hello to democracy!
Devs are responding to the game's negative Steam rating with big promises.
Maybe there should be concern about the proverbial 'fall of Helldivers' after all.
You may not want to believe it, but this rumor has popped up before.
Gamers work tirelessly in the name of Democracy!
Super Earth, we need to perform better!
We don't have all the numbers, but it's obvious that the added PSN requirement has had an impact.
War never ends, so let's do our part!
Arrowhead needs those players back, and not just because of the consumers.
Fans may have patted themselves on the back prematurely for this one.
Sony still hasn't addressed the issue of Helldivers 2 being delisted across the world.
Now we'll see if the fans are going to stick around.
The new DLC will include new weapons, armor, emotes, and capes.
We may see the console gaming culture changing before our very eyes.
It doesn't look like the fans would say something like that.
It's a surprisingly risky time for the game right now.