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Strength and Vitality are two of the most important stats in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 — and leveling them up faster doesn’t have to be a chore. You can level up all your skills faster by crafting a powerful potion called Henry’s Fox which gives you a massive +50% XP boost for two full in-game days. That’s a lot of time to grind and you’ll be leveling up everything so much faster. Combine that with a simple method for increasing Strength and Vitality to max out your skill ranks before you ever reach the second map.
Here’s how to level up much, much faster in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Craft Henry’s Fox Potions

There are perks for leveling up skills, but one of the best all-around methods for increasing your skills is through Fox Potions. And the best version of the Fox Potion — Henry’s Fox — increases XP gain by +50% for two days. That’s a huge buff that makes grinding skills so much easier. Combine this with the trick below and you’ll be able to max out Strength and Vitality in a few hours.
- Reach Alchemy Level 16 and unlock the Secret of Secrets perk. This unlocks Henry’s recipes, the highest tier of alchemy. To craft these, you must follow Henry’s recommendations perfectly when crafting potions instead of strictly following the actual recipe.
To craft Henry’s Fox, you can skip the recipe location and just follow these steps. This is a complicated recipe that needs four ingredients to cook.
- Henry’s Fox Ingredients
- Nettles: Found in Troskowitz, behind the stables. Can also be found between Rathaus and the Barracks / Stables.
- St. John’s Wort: Found in the growing field near Herbwoman Bozhena’s Hut.
- Belladonna: A few can be found in the same location as Nettles or find more in the field southeast of Troskowitz. Learn where to find it here.
- Charcoal: Just buy this from the alchemy vendor in Troskowitz. If you have the coin, you can purchase all the ingredients you need here.
Once you have the ingredients, follow these instructions exactly. It can be tricky, so any perks that help improve potion quality are going to be important here.
- Henry’s Fox Recipe:
- Pour Oil into the cauldron as your base. Leave the cauldron high above the fire for now.
- Grind x1 St. John’s Wort in the mortar. Add to the cauldron.
- Grind x1 Nettle in the mortar. Add to the cauldron.
- Lower the cauldron and boil for 2 turns. Watch the sand timer carefully and raise the cauldron after 2 turns.
- After raising the cauldron, grind x1 Charcoal and add to the cauldron.
- Add x1 Belladonna to the cauldron.
- Lower the cauldron again and boil for 1 turn.
- After 1 turn, raise the cauldron and pour by selecting the Phial.
And that completes the potion. If you follow the directions exactly, you’ll earn a Henry’s Fox potion. With the right perks, you can make your chances of brewing a high-quality potion easier and brew more potions per completion — up to x6 potions at a time for each completion. Once you have the potion, we can start easily grinding.
Leveling Strength & Vitality Fast

To increase STR and VIT extremely quickly, simply overencumber Henry. Carry weight above your maximum — you’ll be unable to fast-travel or sprint, but you can still move around at a good pace as long as you don’t weigh yourself down too much. Just go over the maximum slightly.
- While overencumbered, you’ll gain strength and vitality XP extremely quickly. Pair this with grinding Survival and Alchemy by picking herbs near Troskowitz. You’ll run around in a safe environment, earning XP and leveling up.
- You’ll earn roughly 200~ Strength and Vitality XP every 10 minutes. You’ll level up multiple times in an hour, making grinding these stats extremely easy in the early game.
Swap off your full armor and run around in light clothes — you’ll move faster, even if you’re still overencumbered — and do whatever else you want to do. I recommend farming other skills. Kill multiple birds with one stone.
Leveling Stealth & Thievery

Thievery and Stealth are both extremely difficult if you don’t have a safe training environment to test them in. The best way to level up both of these skills is by working for the Miller early in the main story. After the prologue, you’ll get a choice of visiting the Miller or the Blacksmith. Choose the Miller if you want to learn lockpicking, pickpocketing and more thievery skills.
- After joining the Miller, grind using the training chest — it is set at Very Easy difficulty and lockpicking it will slowly raise your Thievery skill. You’ll also get to pickpocket or stealth takedown an NPC — ask him to help you train. You can also pay this NPC to train you.
- Do all of these activities at night to grind Stealth too.
Once you’re better at Stealth and Thievery, you can start robbing everyone blind to earn cash and level up. Just make sure to save your game with Saviour Schnapps before going on a crime spree. If you’re caught, you’ll have to pay big money to avoid jailtime.