It’s time to put your skills to the test and tackle your high-profile mission for Ryujin Industries. Starfield has been content giving you pretty basic quests up until now, but that chances somewhat with ‘Sowing Discord’. It’s still fairly straightforward, but we are going to walk you through the whole quest so you can get the best reward.
Imogene wants you to intercept a deal between two competing companies and scarper the whole thing. This will, in theory, delay one of their competitors from breaking into a new market and keep Ryujin on top. To do this, you are going to swap some files, talk to some people, and read some dossiers. Let’s get right to it.
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Reading The Dossiers And Getting Fancy
Before we head to the Astral Lounge to woo Arthur and Zola (our marks for this quest), you need to put on a fancy suit (you’ll find it in your inventory) and read the two dossiers provided. You don’t actually need to read them if you don’t want to, but opening them up is highly recommended. In short, Arthur is all about corporate finance, and Zola is apparently quite the narcissist.

Head To The Astral Lounge
With your suit equipped and your mind armed with knowledge, it’s time to head to the Astral Lounge. Like everything on Neon, to get there you are required to run the entire length of the place. The Astral Lounge is right next to Celt Corp, that company you infiltrated a few missions back. Once there, you will find Zola near the dancefloor and Arthur in one of the VIP booths upstairs.
NOTE: We highly recommend you save before persuading Arthur and Zola.

Convincing Zola Addison
Zola is the closest, so we recommend talking to her first. After some introductory dialogue, you will get the option to persuade her. If you have read her dossier (which you should have) you can easily ace this minigame. Just select the top option each time and you will walk away with an easy win.

Convincing Arthur Cruz
You can find Arthur upstairs in one of the VIP booths to the right of the elevator. Similar to Zola, you will have to go through some introductory dialogue before getting the option to persuade him. Once again, if you have read his dossier, the top option will be your best bet as it will likely succeed and score very highly on the minigame. Select this twice, and he will reconsider the deal – which is exactly what you want.

Swapping Nina’s Presentation
Finally, you need to sneak into the presentation room and swap out Nina’s slides. This will put the final nail in the deal’s coffin. Follow your tracker to the locked VIP booth and hack the door. Don’t worry, it’s just a Novice lock. Head inside and interact with the datapad on the table.

Return To Imogene
With all of that done, head back to Ryujin Industries and talk to Imogene. For a job well done, she will grant you a bonus for this mission in addition to giving you more work. You will receive a whopping 10,000c and 250 EXP for your troubles. Your next mission is called ‘Accidents Happen’ – sounds ominous.
But for now, that’s all we have on Starfield. Be sure to check out our other guides, lists, and walkthroughs for more Starfield content.