Exploring Starfield’s vast galaxy will take you on all kinds of adventures. Some of those adventures can be sprawling epics, whilst others could be helping the locals with small problems…for a price, of course. Distilling Confidence is one such quest, and it has multiple paths to completion.
You may hear rumblings that Nyssa, a bar owner on New Atlantis, has an issue that needs resolving. In this guide, we are going to go over how to start this quest, how to retrieve the items Nyssa needs, and what rewards await you for helping her out.
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How To Start Distilling Confidence
When walking around New Atlantis (as early as your first visit) you will start to hear people talking about Nyssa needing help. This will add an ‘Activity’ to your journal for you to follow up on. Head to ‘The Viewport’ to start the quest, Distilling Confidence.
Nyssa is trying to make a new drink that she is convinced will be a hit. The only issue is that she doesn’t have the ingredients required. That’s not for lack of trying, however. She put in an order that got picked up by the authorities as part of a larger bust. Nyssa wants you to retrieve her order any way you can. She’s not too enthused about breaking the law, but she would also prefer to have the package than not.

Where To Find Nyssa’s Package In Starfield
Nyssa’s ingredients are locked away in Secure Storage after UCSEC busted the courier for transporting other less-than-legal goods. Secure Storage can be found at the back of the Spaceport on New Atlantis. This isn’t a particularly long walk from The Viewport, but if patience is not one of your finer traits, feel free to Fast Travel to your ship to save time.
Once here, you will see that Secure Storage is, well, secure. It’s locked, and you need to find a way to get in.

How To Access Secure Storage In Starfield
There are multiple ways to get past a locked door in Starfield, although in this case, we advise talking to one of the employees working at the Secure Storage unit. Erin, being the upstanding employee he is won’t open the door for just anyone. If you want to get in, you are going to have to persuade him.
Whilst having the Persuade Skill is always handy, Erin is easily convinced with or without it. You only get one shot to convince him, however, and if this does fail, you are going to have to try other methods.
If you have a Digipick you can hack the control panel and get in that way (just don’t get caught). You could also try and find an Access Card, although we were unable to track one down, even with pickpocketing. Finally, you could just kill Erin, just do it quietly. You can then safely access the Secure Storage.
The easiest method is to just persuade Erin though. Be sure to save before you try to convince him, and reload if it all goes pear-shaped.

Reward For Completing Distilling Confidence
Once you have your hands on Nyssa’s package, head back to Nyssa. You can reassure her that you didn’t go on the warpath if you like, but in either case, she will be happy to have her ingredients. She will offer you free drinks, and more importantly, she will give you the following:
- 2000 Credits
- 75 EXP
Whilst you are here, feel free to talk to some of the regulars at the bar to find some Crew to help you out.
That’s all we have on Starfield for now. Be sure to check out our other guides, lists, and walkthroughs for more Starfield content.