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If you’re going to fight for your faction, you can quickly build up a massive bounty in Starfield. If you want to experience every activity in the galaxy, you’re bound to make one of the factions angry — whether you’re stealing valuable resources, pickpocketing, or going into full-on piracy. If you wage war against a faction, you’ll earn a hefty bounty that must be paid off if you want to return to their settlement. Below we’ll explain everything you need to know about removing bounties.
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What Are Bounties?

If you commit infractions against one of the factions in Starfield, you’ll get a bounty placed on your head. There are two major factions that will target you with bounties — the United Colonies (UC) and the Freestar Collective. If you commit crimes in space controlled by these factions, they’ll put a bounty on your head.
With a bounty on your head, you’ll be unable to travel to settlements controlled by these factions. They’ll either attack you on sight or demand you pay a fee to clear your crimes. Low level crimes like stealing or pickpocketing will not cause an immediate kill order. However, if you open fire on soldiers of the faction, murder citizens or attack affiliated ships, you’ll instantly gain a bounty.
- NOTE: Bounties are only added if you are caught for your crime. If you’re undetected when sneaking, you won’t be immediately charged with a bounty. If main “good” companions are with you, they can also report more serious crimes like piracy or murder. They will not stay with you if you commit grave crimes.
Bounties are delineated by faction. One faction will only put a bounty on you if you join — the Crimson Fleet. The UC and Freestar will always put a bounty on you if you kill their soldiers, break laws, and aren’t caught or imprisoned in their settlements.
Crimson Fleet ships are free game if you’re a regular UC or Freestar space trucker. Normally, you’ll be free to destroy their ships without accruing a bounty. This is NOT TRUE if you join them. Once you’ve joined the Crimson Fleet, you’ll need to pay off a bounty if you target Crimson Fleet ships or kill their soldiers. After paying the bounty, you’ll be free to complete more Crimson Fleet missions or board their headquarters.
How To Clear Bounties

Once you gain a bounty, you’ll need to clear it. As long as a bounty is not cleared, faction ships may appear to attack you — even if you’re not in their space. These bounty hunters will attempt to confront you to bring you in. You’ll also be attacked immediately (or arrested on-sight) if you attempt to travel to a faction settlement where a bounty is on your head.
- How To Remove Bounties: Bounties can be removed from Bounty Terminals. These terminals are found in taverns / bars in all major or minor settlements. All bounty terminals give you access to any of your current faction bounties. Pay them off and you’ll be free.
Bounty Terminals are located right next to Mission Terminals in most cities. You’ll find one at the Hitching Post in Akila City, or in the bar in New Atlantis. But, these are both faction settlements — if you have a bounty on one faction, you’ll need to use an alternate settlement. The Crimson Fleet even has a bounty board that can be used if you’re wanted in both Freestar and UC space. But, you’ll need to be in good standing with the Crimson Fleet to be allowed to use it.
Balance your bounties and you’ll be able to get rich through piracy. Just don’t let bounty hunters collect your hard-earned loot.