The procedurally generated space exploration game No Man’s Sky continues to provide updates for players — and the latest patch includes new twisted planets to explore. But, even more important than mysteries, you’ll be able to claim a new type of spaceship for your fleet. The Sentinel Interceptors were a thorn in every player’s side until now. These were the ships of the faceless enemy, and they’ve been vastly improved with procedurally generated outer hulls, new unique upgrades, and special missions so you can fly them for yourself.
By tracking down crashed Interceptors, you’ll be able to bypass security and repair the wreckage into a working intergalactic ship. These ships feature a compliment of new cosmetic options, able to appear in a wide variety of configurations whether you’re fighting them in space or flying one yourself. They’ve also got unique upgrades you can unlock that only apply to Sentinel Interceptors — although regular ship upgrades can also be applied. You’ll need to hunt down new components and materials to get these powerful ships working, and even finding one can be a challenge. Below we’ll give you a basic rundown on how to get these ships.
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How To Get A Sentinel Interceptor | New Ship Guide
Sentinel Interceptors have been upgraded. Previously, these planetary protectors simply hunted you down for causing problems. Now you can claim one of their ships. Before you can claim a ship, you’ll have to find one. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to do.
- How To Get A Sentinel Interceptor: Explore the galaxy to find a crashed Interceptor. There are multiple ways to find these — we’ll get into that later.
- Once you find an Interceptor crash site on a planet, go down and explore it. Before you can repair the ship, you’ll need to bypass the security.
- A unique mission will unlock. Follow the steps to find the materials required to unlock the Sentinel.
There are multiple ways to find a Sentinel Interceptor wreck. Some of these methods are totally new to Patch 4.2.

- How To Locate A Crashed Interceptor:
- Exploring new Corrupted Worlds. You may unlock new story encounters that lead to a ship.
- Destroy a Sentinel Capital Ship to get a location. These Capital Ships appear when you cause trouble — now these massive ships can be destroyed. Doing so nets you valuable resources and an Interceptor location.
- While exploring Corrupted Worlds — worlds covered in purple crystals — you will encounter new enemies called Corrupted Sentinels. Defeating these crazed Sentinel enemies may unlock a ship location.
- Finally, Corrupted Worlds also feature new abandoned camps to explore. These random camps may feature data that points you to a crashed ship location. You may also need to solve a small puzzle to unlock the location.
Corrupted Worlds are totally new. You’ll know a world is ‘corrupted’ if there are strange purple crystals growing everywhere — and the more powerful swarming Corrupted Sentinels patrol the surface. These areas more often have crashed Sentinel Interceptors, but also they have the data needed to find their locations. Destroy Corrupted Sentinels and explore the mysterious facilities on these planets for clues.
- NOTE: The most sure-fire way to find a ship location is destroying a new Sentinel Capital Ship. These are extremely dangerous opponents, so you’ll need plenty of firepower to take one down.
The Sentinel Interceptor is special for a number of reasons. While in the atmosphere of a world, Interceptors can hover. Interceptors have a unique cockpit model you can view in first-person, and have a load of exclusive upgrades you can only attach to an Interceptor. If you’re still loving No Man’s Sky, this update gives you plenty more to explore and a new way to explore it.