Destiny 2’s Season Of Defiance is chugging along nicely, and a new set of Challenges have been released to keep Guardians plugging away at their battle pass. This week will have you gunning down the Vex, experiencing some Legendary activities, and more. There are only 8 new Challenges this time around, but they are a smidge more challenging as a result.
Each week Destiny 2 will add new Challenges to the game. These Challenges don’t have to be completed the week they are introduced. That being said, we recommend keeping on top of them to not get overwhelmed. Challenges reward EXP and help you level up your Season Pass. These are all the Challenges for Week 5.
More Destiny 2 Lightfall content:
New Weapon Showcase | Strand Subclass | Defiant Engrams | Unfinished Business

Every Week 3 Challenge
Legendary Liberator
Complete a Defiant Battleground on Legendary difficulty.
- Seasonal EXP
We’ve had access to every Defiant Battleground for a while now, which means we aren’t likely to get any more content on that front. However, what we have now is the unlocking of Legendary difficulty. Like with all Defiant Battlegrounds, you can access this by going to the H.E.L.M. and booting up a playlist. Simply change the difficulty from Hero to Legendary.
Legendary will put you through the same maps. The catch being the difficulty is ramped up drastically. Your Power Level is capped, there are more modifiers, and Champions are far more common. Thankfully you only need to get through one of these to complete the Challenge, but it might be quite the slog.
Do note that Matchmaking is disabled for this, so you are going to have to have three friends (or use an LFG service) to even attempt this.
Still Standing
Complete week 5’s ‘We Stand Unbroken’ Quest.
- Seasonal EXP
This is your standard story Challenge. Head to the War Table and complete the quest chain. You’ve seen this pop up every week, so this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Just remember, if you are new to Destiny 2, you are going to have to complete the Lightfall Campaign if you want access to this Seasonal questline.
Favoured Warrior
Earn Favours of Justice, Grace, and Zeal. Bonus progress is made on Legendary.
- Seasonal EXP
This Challenge is heavily dependent on the team/teams you get when matchmaking if you are running with randoms. Favours are earned during Defiant Battlegrounds, however, they only drop if a player has unlocked the relevant War Table Upgrade. Not only that, even with the ability unlocked, the drop chance is fairly low.
If you are running with friends through Legendary difficulty, consider equipping Season Of Defiance armour to increase your Favour drop chance. With a full team decked out and a fully upgraded War Table, you should be able to complete this Challenge in one Legendary run.
Friendly Neighbourhood Guardian
Complete a Weekly Mission from the Lightfall Campaign on Hero difficulty or higher.
- Seasonal EXP
This is another Challenge that requires the Lightfall Campaign to be completed. Once done, head to the Neomuna Map and start the Weekly Playlist. You are going to need a team to do it on higher difficulties most likely, and Matchmaking is, of course, disabled. We recommend sticking to Hero and getting this out of the way early.
Unravelling The Sun
Defeat Guardians in the Crucible. You will gain bonus progress for landing Strand, Solar, and Void Final Blows.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
This is a Challenge that will take a varying amount of time to complete based on whether or not you indulge in Crucible. You need to get 50 kills to complete the challenge and kills using Strand, Solar, or Void abilities will grant bonus progress. You can get kills in any Crucible mode, including rotating ones. However, you can’t cheese this by heading into a Private match.
Dredgin’ Up Victory
Complete Gambit matches. Bonus Progress is earned for wins.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
Gambit is Destiny 2’s PVEVP mode. You are going to have 8 Gambit matches to complete this challenge, and thankfully, Gambit doesn’t take that long to complete. Wins will reduce the number of games required to complete this challenge, so consider checking out our guide to Gambit for the best shot at getting through this mode quickly.
Adversaries Of Humanity
Defeat Taken and Vex bosses in Vanguard Playlists or Strikes.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
This one is a bit of a pain since you need to defeat 5 Vex and 5 Taken bosses. Vex and Taken don’t appear in all Playlists. Plonk yourself in a randomised Playlist if you are feeling lucky, or run specific Strikes like Hypernet Current.
Righteous Blade
Obtain the Ecliptic Distaff Glave.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
You can grab the Ecliptic Distaff by reaching Rank 16 with Commander Zavala at the Tower. You can also acquire it similarly from Lord Shaxx and The Drifter. This Glaive is pretty solid, so getting your hands on it is a good idea anyway. The cherry on top is the EXP gained from this Challenge. Thankfully this Challenge is also retroactive, so if you already have it, this Challenge will already be complete.
To gain Reputation, just grind Playlists with that respective vendor based on your preferred gameplay method – Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit.
With all of the challenges complete, you will have to wait until Week 6 and beyond to make more progress. Be sure to check out our other Destiny 2 Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more content in the meantime.