A lot of Destiny 2 is on some sort of rotation. Whether that be the Weekly Nightfall, Lost Sectors, or even what modes are available. Being on top of what is happening, and when, can help you stay ahead of the grind and make the most of Bungie’s never-ending multiplayer shooter.
One area of Destiny 2 that sees the most rotation is the Crucible – the PVP section of Destiny’s content. Whole modes are added and removed every week which helps keep the game feeling fresh. Team Scorched is one such mode, and it’s arguably the least intense in terms of competitive requirements – it’s also a lot of fun. Here’s how it works.
More Destiny 2 Lighfall content:
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What Is Team Scorched?
Team Scorched is a ‘Deathmatch’ style, 6v6, PVP mode where two teams are pitted against each other in a life-or-death battle filled to the brim with fire and flames. So far, so standard. Where Team Scorched differs from other modes in Destiny 2 is what weapons are at your disposal – heck, even what Abilities.
In short, you have none of your weapons and all of your Abilities (bar your Jump) are gone. Instead, everyone is given a Scorch Cannon and asked to blow everything that moves up. Not only that, but this special Scorch Cannon has 100 shots, which means you aren’t going to be out of explosives any time soon.

How To Win Team Scorched
Since this is based on your standard Deathmatch, winning Team Scorched is as simple as killing enemies. The game ends once the timer runs out, or when one team hits 60 combined kills. Games of Team Scorched don’t last long, and in our experience, tend to be incredibly close games as most players are dying constantly. Such is the nature of such an explosive game mode.
Team Scorched, despite being a bit of a light mode, still rewards you with the usual Crucible drops. This includes Catalysts, Reputation, Shaders, etc. If you just want to blow off some steam and get rewarded in the process, Team Scorched is great.

Tips For Improving At Team Scorched
Lead Your Shots
Of course, knowing how to win Team Scorched and winning are two different things. This is largely due to how Scorch Cannons work. Not only do they have a delay between shots, but the projectiles they fire are fairly slow-moving. The absolute best way of improving at Team Scorched is to lead your shots. Instead of firing at where an enemy is, fire at where they are going. If you time it right, your target should get turned to ash.
Never Stop Moving
Mobility is a key component of the Destiny 2 formula, and Team Scorched doesn’t change that – heck, your mobility options are the only thing maintained in this mode. This, combined with the slow projectiles fired by Scorch Cannons leads to one conclusion – never stop moving. You want to be sprinting on the ground, flying through the air, and keeping your movements as sporadic as possible.
To stay still is to invite ruin.
Aim At The Floor
If leading your shots is not going your way, then consider firing at the floor. By this we mean to track your target, and the moment they touch down, fire. That brief moment when they are on the ground is your ideal opportunity to send them to the nearest Respawn point. You can also use this technique by firing at nearby walls and letting splash damage do the work for you.
Rocket Jumping
Finally, you can use your Scorch Cannon to launch yourself higher and further than a standard jump would typically allow. Rocket Jumping is simply the art of firing at the floor as you take off and using the force of the explosion to propel you through the air. This is an excellent way to travel as it becomes much harder for enemies to land their shots.
That’s all we have for Destiny 2 Lightfall for now. Be sure to check out our other Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more Destiny 2 content.