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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is a bit of an odd duck – at least in terms of Pokemon. Where there is an intended order to complete the gyms, nothing is necessarily set in stone. You could, in theory, blunder your way anywhere and get murdered by anything. It’s quite the rush – and one that Gyms also follow.
We bumped into Alfornada Gym as our fifth Gym, and it turned out alright, however. This Gym is run by the Psychic-loving Tulip. We found this Gym more difficult than others (so far), but your mileage may vary based on your party of Pokemon. We’ve compiled a guide to get you through the worst of it, so let’s get started.
More Pokemon Scarlet & Violet content:
Gym Order | How To Catch Ditto | How To Breed Pokemon | Evolution Items | Beginner Tips | Combat Guide

How To Complete The Alfornada Gym Test
The Gym Test is by far the easiest part of this Gym. It is split into four parts and requires you to complete a QTE sequence (think Simon Says) followed by a battle – twice. The QTE is incredibly simple so we won’t touch on that any further. Do be aware it speeds up slightly in the second round.
The battles are the interesting part of the Test. Your first opponent will be Emily. She brings the following Pokemon:
- Gothorita
- Kirlia
Gothorita can be quite the menace in competitive Pokemon (once she evolves, at least), however, she is quite the pushover here. She is pure Psychic which, whilst a powerful typing, is weak to the likes of Ghost, Dark, and Bug. Many Pokemon can run Dark moves, and these will likely be your best bet. Ghost is also solid if you’ve managed to wrangle one up by this point.
Kirlia is another interesting Pokemon, although she shares very few weaknesses with Emily’s previous ‘Mon. Kirlia is Psychic/Fairy, which is a very awkward typing. She is only weak to Ghost, Steel, and Poison. Of the bunch, Steel is probably your best bet assuming you don’t have a mighty Ghost in your roster.
Emily rewards you with a whopping $6020.
Your second battle will be with Rafael, and he brings:
- Grumpig
- Medicham
- Indeedee
Grumpig may look like a bit of an unusual Pokemon, but we assure you, this thing is 100% a pure Psychic Pokemon. Bring the usual Dark/Ghost/Bug attack and take it out quickly. Aim to use ATK over SP/ATK since Grumpig tends to have a lower DEF stat.
Medicham is another interesting case of mixed typing. This time we are looking at Psychic/Fighting, and this once again gives it a whole host of new resistances and weaknesses. Medicham can be taken out by using Ghost, Fairy, or Flying. Fairy and Flying are rather common in this generation, so this shouldn’t be too hard to take down.
Indeedee is rocking Psychic/Normal and this throws a bit of a spanner if you have been relying on Ghost Pokemon up until this point. Indeedee is only weak to Dark and Bug, and of the two, we recommend going after its Dark weakness.
You will pocket another $6020 for defeating Rafael. You can now challenge Tulip for your Gym Badge.

How To Defeat Tulip
Tulip is far more deadly than her trainers, and depending on your team, they may have been quite the pain. She is running a fairly small team, but this team can do some work if you are not prepared. She brings the following:
- Farigiraf
- Gardevoir
- Espathra
- Florges
Out of all of these Pokemon, Farigiraf gave us the most pause. This is mostly due to our brain having a bit of a fart when it comes to figuring out its typing. Farigiraf is Psychic/Normal (like Indeedee), so is only weak to Bug and Dark.
Gardevoir is rocking the already-seen Psychic/Fairy type, as well as being fully evolved (and therefore more dangerous). Bring Ghost, Steel, or Poison and you will be fine, however.
Espathra is a pure Psychic ostrich with a surprising amount of SP/ATK and SPD. However, she is weak to the usual suspects – Dark, Bug, and Ghost.
Finally, Florges is Tulip’s Tera target, turning it into a pure Psychic Type. Like with Espathra, a solid hit from Dark, Bug, or Ghost should do the trick.

Rewards For Beating Tulip
With Tulip down, you will receive your Gym Badge as well as the following gubbins:
- $8100
- TM Psychic
That’s all we have on Pokemon Scarlet & Violet for now, but we have more guides and content on the way and a bunch ready to view.