You can never have enough Enchantment slots. After reaching a certain area in God of War Ragnarok, Kratos will unlock the ability to equip Enchantments. Enchantments are equipped through the Armor menu by selecting the Amulet — but at the start of the game, you can only slot two Enchantments. To unlock the rest, you’ll need to upgrade.
Rare Jewels of Yggdrasil are found in optional areas or dropped by difficult enemies. If you’re not exploring every open-ended region in the game, you can easily overlook some of the best buffs. Below, we have locations for every Jewel of Yggdrasil. There are seven total, giving you nine Enchantment slots to play around with.
To upgrade your Amulet, travel to any Blacksmith location. Upgrades only cost Jewels of Yggdrasil — you don’t need to spend any other resources or hacksilver. That means you’re free to upgrade whenever you find a jewel. Learn all the locations below. By my count, only two of these collectibles are freebies. The rest you’ll have to find on your own.
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How To Find All Jewel of Yggdrasil Upgrade Items
[Work-in-Progress: Check back soon for more images showing each location.]

Jewels of Yggdrasil are key items required to upgrade the Amulet. Each upgrade costs 1 Jewel of Yggdrasil and unlocks +1 additional slot for Enchantments. Upgrade at any Blacksmith. Jewels of Yggdrasil are always located in Legendary Chests or dropped by difficult monsters.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #1: Noatun’s Garden | Vanaheim – Located inside the locked structure to the left as you land at Noatun’s Garden. From the garden shore, travel to the opposite side of the river to find a narrow path for your boat. In the passage, look for a path right leading to another beach. Dock and go up the stairs, crossing the bridge past the Yggdrasil Rift.
- From this spot, at the Lore Scroll, look right. There are red vines leading into a structure at Noatun’s Garden. Burn the red vines with Sigil Arrows, then break the seal to open the gate.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #2: Forbidden Sands | Alfheim – Travel to the old Elven Sanctum structure on the east side of the map — there’s only one building like it. Find the Legendary Chest behind the treasure map on the upper level.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #3: Well of Urd | Midgard – While hunting the prophets on Midgard, you’ll encounter a miniboss called a Frost Phantom. This is encountered on the main story path. Collect the jewel after defeating it. You’ll also earn a Chaos Flame Weapon Upgraed.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #4: The Oarsmen | Midgard – Travel to the Shores of Nine in the northeast of Midgard’s Lake of Nine. From the Shores, travel right from the fallen piece of Tyr Statue to enter the Oarsmen. Progressing through the area, you’ll need to pull a giant chain then delve back into the tomb. You’ll find the Legendary Chest here to the right of the stairs.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #5: The Forge | Svartalheim – Progressing through Svartalheim for the second time, you’ll explore the Forge area for the main story path. This leads to an encounter with two Ogres. Defeat both Ogres, then collect the loot to gain one jewel upgrade.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #6: Alberich Island | Svartalheim – On the return trip to Svartalheim, travel to Dragon Beach and use the spear to climb up the wooden scaffolding. This leads to Alberich Hollow. On the path, you’ll encounter a spirit with a quest. Take his quest — “The Lost Treasure” — it leads to the end of Alberich Hollow, then back to Alberich Island located in the north section of the map. Travel to Alberich Island and reach the Legendary Chest at the top to claim a jewel.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #7: The Jungle | Vanaheim – Located in the Crater hidden region, accessible after the escape sequence during your second visit to Vanaheim, travel to the Jungle in the southwest and open the sluice gate on the large dam visible on the map. This floods the Crater and gives you access to many more areas.
- After flooding the area, use the boat to reach the Ogre arena. An ogre menaces you the minute you arrive in the Jungles. Travel to wear it throws boulders during the day and the vines will be overgrown, allowing Kratos to swing across the river.
- Follow this path and you’ll reach a Dragon Hunt. Drop into the cage and hit the spinner, freezing the gear to escape. Use the nearby Legendary Chest to claim your jewel.
With all the Jewels of Yggdrasil, you can fully upgrade the Amulet and equip Kratos with a full compliment of Enchantments, making him significantly more powerful.
Jewel of Yggdrasil #9:
Jewel of Yggdrasil #10: