One of the best quest rewards in God of War Ragnarok is a hearty meal. After arriving in Midgard to fully explore the frozen lake, you’ll be able to begin a quest that spans the Nine Realms — in the northwest, Kratos can discover a rainbow campfire with a very specific recipe. If you find all the ingredients, you’ll get an incredible reward: a key item that grants Kratos a permanent +5 buff to all stats.
That’s too good to pass up. Finding the campfire is easy but getting all the ingredients is a whole lot harder. This favor is called ‘Across the Realms‘ and there are four ingredients you need to find. Four items sound easy, especially when the first ingredient falls right into your hands after starting the quest. The rest are hidden around the game world with almost no clue where to look next. Below, we’ll explain exactly how to begin this quest and where to get all four ingredients.
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Favor Guide | Across The Realms
The ‘Across the Realms‘ favor is found when Kratos explores the Lake of Nine in Midgard. The quest is found in a location called The Eternal Campfire.
- How To Begin ‘Across The Realms’: Located up the trail in the northeast of the region. Up the path, you’ll find a wall you can grapple onto, leading to a very strange campfire. Found north of the Raider Hideout.
Collect the book at the rainbow campfire to begin this favor. You need to four ingredients to solve this favor. Each ingredient is marked with a colorful heart symbol. The first ingredient is visible as you leave the camp.

- Nordic Gourd: Lake of Nine | Midgard – Found under the yellow heart symbol, buried in the snow after leaving the Eternal Campfire. Drop down to find the first ingredient.
- Elven Cap: Forbidden Sands | Alfheim – Located in the southwest of the Forbidden Sands, outside the Nornir Chest area. The ingredient is in the sand to the right as you slip under the fallen pillar. The Nornir Chest area is marked with a heart symbol.
- Prongfruit: The Forge | Svartalfheim – After completing The Forge on the revisit to Svartalfheim, return to the train track platform, go down the hill and right to the Nornir Chest. The area is marked with a green heart. The ingredient is on the ground to the left of the chest.
- Bantam Melon: Sinkhole | Vanaheim – Once the Crater is flooded by opening the floodgates in the Jungle, you can reach the Celestial Altar in the Sinkhole that’s near the Berserker Gravestone. From this altar, travel left and use the chain to open the gate.
- The last ingredient is through this gate. You can’t reach it from this side. You’ll need to walk to this area and hop across the gap without using the boat.
Find all four ingredients, then return to the Eternal Campfire in Midgard. At the rainbow campfire, Mimir will finish his story and you’ll complete this favor, earning the meal that gives Kratos a +5 permanent buff to all stats. Now that’s one good meal.