Genshin Impact is a highly popular CRPG that has taken the gaming world by storm. Nahida is one of the most anticipated characters in Genshin Impact. She is serving as the fourth Archon to be introduced within the game. She is sure to shake up many team compositions. Nahida is the Dendro Archon and is responsible for the people of Sumeru. Nahida is a five-star Dendro character and the second five-star Dendro character to ever be introduced into Genshin Impact. She is set to change the flow of Dendro-based reaction teams.
So if you are eager to be able to pull for Nahida and are interested in knowing more about here, then check out our guide below.
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What Players Need To Know About Nahida

Nahida has several different attack types, all with unique abilities. These abilities range in utility and damage and should be utilized by the player to their fullest extent. Nahida has a primary and charged attack, each with different effects. Her regular attack causes her to launch four attacks with each trigger. However, she also possesses a charged attack that works a bit differently.
Nahida can deal Dendro damage in an Area of Effect at the cost of a bit of stamina. Therefore, players would be wise to use elemental reactions in conjunction with Nahida’s Dendro abilities to do the most amount of damage they can. Players can also use this to their advantage, making stacking reactions extremely good with Nahida. For those hoping to pull Nahida, the best time to try will be during the Moongrass Enlightenment event, where she will enjoy a higher drop chance.
Nahida’s Elemental Skill is called All Schemes to Know, allowing her to deal AoE damage and mark her enemies. She can also change how this Elemental Skill affects enemies. When Nahida aims, she is allowed to choose a limited number of enemies in which to affect. During this time, however, she is susceptible to being interrupted during her attacks. Making it imperative for the player to make sure they can use this ability freely without interruption.
This is not where Nahida stops; however, with her Elemental Burst, she can cause an AoE that reacts differently when it comes into contact with various elements. For example, if her Dendro powers were to come in contact with a Pyro user, the damage from her Elemental Skill would increase. This makes it a powerful reaction to use for damage dealing. She also can react with Hydro and Electro characters. Each of these has different effects when used in conjunction with Dendro. All in all, Nahida is a character that is sure to shake up many team compositions of players lucky enough to pull the Dendro Archon.