The sixth chapter of A Plague Tale: Requiem is a full stealth run, as Amicia and Hugo De Rune must evade another would-be lynch mob of aggrieved French mercenaries. Meanwhile, Amicia’s barely conscious and Hugo, regrettably, remains Hugo. Fortunately, he’s got a couple of good tricks up his sleeve.
Here’s where to find the secret collectibles in Requiem‘s sixth chapter, “Leaving All Behind.”
A Plague Tale: Requiem Collectibles – Chapter 6
This chapter marks some of the most difficult stealth challenges in Requiem so far. It’s actually not a particularly long level, but you have to spend a fair amount of it waiting on guard patrols (for some reason, all the mercenaries have gotten their helmets out; it’s almost like a maniac with a sling has recently killed several dozen of them), so it’s a bit of a time sink overall.
Having the Light Footstep and Nimbleness skills will be a big help here, as the guards in Chapter 6 aren’t as obviously vulnerable as they’ve been before. It’s broad daylight, the rats aren’t handy right away, and while your new crossbow can even the odds in a pinch, bolts for it are few and far between.
If all else fails, you can always tag a guard with an Ignifer and run for cover, and don’t forget the effect of Tar on existing light sources.
Feather #1: Jay

This is a gimme. At the start of the chapter, when Hugo wins the race to the big tree in the distance, wait for him to mention he’s found something. When he kneels, go over next to him and use the interaction prompt.
Souvenir #9: Imagine you’re flying!
Once you enter the pilgrims’ camp, keep moving ahead until you enter the center of the campsite, where a number of big red banners are tied to a big tree in the center of the clearing. There’s also a goose here (circled below) that Hugo will greet, in case that’s a more effective landmark for you.
As you enter, there’s a gap between two tents on your left (also circled below). If you go through that gap, then take another left, you can go down a short path between the campsite and the cliff face to find a rope swing.

Interact with the swing for a brief interlude between Hugo and Amicia, which unlocks this souvenir.

Secret Chest #4
Once you’ve escaped from the quarry, you’ll have to sneak past another pack of guards to get into an abandoned factory behind them. Right when you enter that factory, look at the nearby shelves. One of them (circled below) is covering a hole in the wall behind it.

Crouch to get through the hole and you’ll find the secret chest on the other side. This one’s got 2 crossbow bolts and a pot in addition to the usual Pieces and Tool, which is likely helpful after what you just went through.
Souvenir #10: Which colour do you want?
When you get past the rats in the main factory area, you’ll enter a small room with a workbench and a ladder. Climb the ladder, cross the balcony, and crouch under the hole in the wall to find a storage room full of bolts of cloth.

Drop down to the ground level and Hugo will suggest that he change Amicia’s bandage. Interact with him to get a new headband and unlock this souvenir.