Healing is the most important part of any Soulsborne game, and like a real Dark Souls, you can increase the number of healing charges you carry in Thymesia. Healing effectiveness and uses are upgraded with rare items called Alchemy Enhancers. To fully upgrade one of the three potions, you’ll need to find at least 18 Alchemy Enhancers — and we’re going to list where to find them. They’re always held by optional enemies that will die permanently (or until you reset a zone) after being defeated. These enemies are tough, but don’t skip them. You’ll need all the healing you can get for the final bunch of bosses.
While we don’t talk about it in the guide below, there’s one more healing method you need to know about. After defeating the boss of the second area, you’ll gain a Plague Weapon called Blood Storm. This handy ability heals you and only costs energy, a resource you can regenerate between fights, or during a boss battle. Blood Storm is one of the best Plague Weapons that you might overlook if you’re not reading all the descriptions.
More Thymesia guides:
Beginner’s Guide | All Endings Guide | Best Talents To Get First | Odur Boss Guide | All Boss Fights
Alchemy Enhancers | Potion Upgrade Locations
Alchemy Enhancers are special items used to upgrade your potions. These can be used to increase the amount of uses for each potion, the healing effect, or the ingredient slots. You can have a total of 6 uses per potion and 3 crafting slots.
- 1) Sea of Trees – At the second beacon, defeat the hammer-wielding clown enemy.
- 2) Sea of Trees – Past the second beacon, continue to the poisonous gas area up the ladders with villagers. Across the rope bridge, you’ll encounter an infected spearman. Defeat him.
- 3) Sea of Trees – Defeat the brutish villager with the massive arm in the lower village between the second and third beacon.
- 4) Sea of Trees – From the third beacon, destroy the barrels near the tree and follow the spiral stairs up to a tent. Defeat the Flying Daggers Acrobat.
- 5) Sea of Trees – Defeat Odur, the first boss of the game.
- 6) Sea of Trees Sub Quest 1 – Defeat the Acrobat enemy in the tent right at the start of the stage.
- 7) Sea of Trees Sub Quest 2 – Defeat the Infected Spearman near the lift to Odur’s Arena.
- 8) Sea of Trees Sub Quest 2 – Defeat the Twin Blade Soldier near the shortcut gate. Past Odur’s Arena lift, cross the bridge to reach the arena.
- 9) Sea of Trees Sub Quest 2 – Defeat the Infected Knight with the long sword in the tent where you first encountered the strongman — the first difficult enemy in the original Sea of Trees stage.
- 10) Sea of Trees Sub Quest 2 – Defeat the Katar-wielding infected through the two gates past the second beacon.
- 11) Royal Gardens – Defeat the Twing Dagger Knight on the stone bridge near the start of the stage. He’s located next to the first ladder you can lower back to the starting beacon.
- 12) Royal Gardens – Defeat the red crystal witch with the Blood Blade in the greenhouse. Right before the second beacon.
- 13) Royal Gardens – Defeat another red crystal witch. From the second beacon, enter the left path.
- 14) Royal Gardens – Past the red crystal witch, defeat the katar ghoul guarding the Mint ingredient.
- 15) Royal Gardens – Defeat the halberd knight on the right path from the second beacon.
- 16) Royal Gardens – Inside the blood-drenched library, you’ll encounter a blood monster with a whip. Defeat it to earn an alchemy enhancer.
- 17) Royal Gardens Sub Quest 1 – Defeat the blood crystal witch at the end of the library filled with blood. She also has a key required for progression.
- 18) Royal Gardens Sub Quest 1 – Defeat the twin daggers knight in the elevator room past the second beacon.
- 19) Royal Gardens Sub Quest 1 – Defeat the great sword knight in the greenhouse past the elevator room.
- 20) Royal Gardens Sub Quest 1 – Defeat the blood crystal witch on the second-floor balcony walkway, up the stairs past the locked gate.
- 21) Royal Gardens Sub Quest 1 – Defeat yet another blood crystal witch on the second floor of the flooded bloody library.
- 22) Royal Gardens Sub Quest 1 – Defeat the second blood crystal witch on the second-floor library path. This one also drops the Underground Laboratory Key.
Collect 18 to fully upgrade any of your potions. You’ll unlock the [Alchemist] achievement / trophy for doing it.