A blood-soaked temple looms over the Siofre River region in Elden Ring. If you’ve visited the underground twilight ruins, you’ll see the glowing structure in the far distance. It’s the first thing you’ll see when you ride the well lift down! For 50+ hours, I struggled to find a way to the temple. And after much exploration, I’ve found there are actually two methods to get inside. Entering Mohgwyn Palace can be done pretty early in the game, or far later if you don’t want to prey upon your fellow players. Here’s how to reach Mohg, Lord of Blood’s lair.
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How To Find Mohg, Lord of Blood | Secret Shardbearer Location
NOTE: There are two methods to unlock Mohgwyn Palace. One can be done early, and one can be done much later and requires access to the Consecrated Snowfield.

Portal Method | Finding The Bloody Portal
A bloody portal will teleport you directly to Mohgwyn Palace. It is located in the Consecrated Snowfield — the portal is in an unmarked location on the western ridge of the foggy snowfield. Follow the cliffside until you’re invaded by the Sanguine Noble. You’re in the right place when you encounter him.
Enter the blood-covered portal and you’ll appear in Mohgwyn Palace. Travel through to Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum to encounter the Shardbearer boss. He’s extremely difficult, so be prepared.
- How To Unlock The Consecrated Snowfield: The Consecrated Snowfield is accessed through the Grand Lift of Rold, located in Leyndell, Royal Capitol. You need a special item called the Haligtree Secret Medallion to use the lift and reach an alternate area. The Haligtree Secret Medallion is split into two parts.
- Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right): Village of the Albinaurics – In the bizarre village, underneath the mountain in the southwest of Liurnia of the Lakes. To get the medallion, find a large pot on the raised hill behind one of the buildings. Attack the pot to reveal an NPC — talk to them and they’ll give you the key.
- Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left): Castle Sol – Found at the end of the dungeon, after defeating the boss. Castle Sol is located in the Mountaintop of the Giants area.
Invasion Method | Invading Three Players
At the start of the game, you’ll encounter an NPC called White-Faced Varre. Find him at the Rose Church on an island directly south of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Return to the Rose Church after defeating Godrick, The Grafted. Talk to him to begin his quest. He’ll give you Festering Bloody Fingers. With the fingers, you need to complete three player invasions. Kill three and you’ll get the Secret Medallion from Varre — which allows you to access Mohgwyn Palace from the Grand Lift of Rold.
NOTE: Completing NPC invasions with the Volcano Manor doesn’t work. You have to invade players.
This method allows you to reach Mohg faster. You don’t need to enter Castle Sol in the Mountaintop of the Giants — you can travel directly to the Grand Lift of Rold and ride down to the bloody portal in the Consecrated Snowfield. That’s all the same.
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