Exploring the vast flooded realm of Liurna of the Lakes, you’ll quickly notice the massive structure on a high rock, towering over the wrecked village of Gate Town. That’s the Academy of Raya Lucaria, and it is our second major landmark in Elden Ring. The Academy is an enormous dungeon with multiple bosses, and just getting inside isn’t easy — you’ll need a unique key, and there’s only one place to find it.
Below, we’ll detail (very quickly) the step-by-step process of breaching the Academy and reaching the Shardbearer locked away inside. You won’t find tips explaining items to get or ways to deal with difficult enemies in your path. This is just the basic bread-and-butter you need if you’re lost. And it is very easy to get lost in Elden Ring. Check out our further guides linked below for more information — especially if you need help with the very tricky second Shardbearer.
More Elden Ring guides:
10 Tips You Need Early | First Shardbearer | Walkthrought Pt. 1 | Great Lift of Dectus | Walkthrough Pt. 3 | Margit, The Fell Omen Boss Guide | Godrick, The Grafted Boss Guide | Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon Boss Guide | Starscourge Radahn Boss Guide | Godfrey, First Elden Lord Boss Guide | Morgott, Omen King Boss Guide | How To Find Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy | How To Find Malenia, Blade of Miquella | How To Find Mohg, Lord of Blood | Frenzied Flame Ending Guide | Age of the Stars Ending Guide
The Second Shardbearer | Unlocking Academy of Raya Lucaria
After completing Stormveil Castle, the path to Liurnia of the Lakes will unlock. Follow the path northwest through the battlegrounds, using the road as your guide. Your goal is the massive castle structure surrounded by water. From far away, it looks impossible to access.
Reach the Academy Gate Town checkpoint, and you’ll find a map nearby. Next, travel up the main road to the Raya Lucaria Academy gates — through the stockade of soldiers and defenses, you’ll find a huge magical seal. Collect the Meeting Place Map on the dead body beside the gate for a clue — to get through the get, you need a Glintstone Key.
- How To Unlock The Gate To Raya Lucaria Academy:
- Using the Meeting Place Map, travel to the island to the west of the main academy. There’s a jutting rock island past the flooded Temple Quarter that is guarded by Glintstone Dragon Smarag.
- You can fight the dragon or sneak behind it. Behind the dragon, you’ll find a dead body with a large stone mask. Collect the item to get the Academy Glintstone Key.

Now you can return to the magic seal and interact to reach the Academy Main Gates. We now have access to the entire massive Raya Lucaria Academy complex. This is a long dungeon filled with magical horrors.
- Progress through the Academy of Raya Lucaria until you reach the Schoolhouse Classroom at the giant wheel lift. Follow the interior path until you reach the mid-boss the Red Wolf of Radagon.
After defeating the Red Wolf of Radagon, you’ll unlock a path to the outer courtyard — to the right, there’s a set of broken curved stairs. Use the struts to jump onto the stairs and dodge the giant rolling ball trap. This path leads to the final boss of the area, the Shardbearer.
- Inside the Great Library, you’ll encounter Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. This is the second Shardbearer, and defeating her will reward you with a second Great Rune. You’ll also earn the Rennala Remembrance.
Talk to the NPCs at the Roundtable Hold and you’ll learn that this second Great Rune has granted you a meeting with Queen Marika in Leyndell, The Royal Capitol. The Royal Capitol is located at the furthest point on the map to the north.
To get to the Capitol, you’ll need to get through the Grand Lift and reach the Atlus Plateau. That’s our next major objective.
- NOTE: To use the second Great Rune with a Divine Tower, you’ll need to reach the Carian Study Hall. This is a large tower outside the main Academy, connected to the Divine Tower. You won’t be able to reach the top just yet. Save the Great Rune for later.
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