Boss weapons are back in Elden Ring. Major bosses like Shardbearers will drop items called Remembrances. Taking these to the Finger Reader in your homebase of Roundtable Hold allows you to crazy special boss weapons. These are totally unique weapons are thematically linked with the boss, and some of them are completely insane. For each Remembrance you can choose one of two weapons. One of those weapons is lost forever whenever you make that choice — but what if I told you there’s a way to get double Remembrances? You can get two of the same and get both boss weapons.
You can unlock this feature very early in the game if you can find it first. Remembrances can also be used to give yourself a load of runes — so if you really want to just give yourself a load of runes and skip the boss weapons, you can duplicate and crack these suckers open for a huge rune boost. Some of the boss weapons are impressively cool, though. The first set of boss weapons you’ll get is a Giant Axe (normal) and a fire-spitting dragon head you can attach to your arm. The axe is obviously useful, but who would pass up a dragon arm?
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How To Duplicate Remembrance

Remembrance Duplication is a special service offered by Walking Mausoleums. You’ll find your first Walking Mausoleum in the Weeping Peninsula to the south of the Third Church of Marika. Down in the island area, there’s a large field with this strange rocky monster stomping around.
- How To Get Inside A Walking Mausoleum: While riding a mount, attack the white spots on the legs of the Walking Mausoleum. You need to break all the white spots on all four legs. Once they’re “clean” the Walking Mausoleum will sink back into the ground.
Once the Walking Mausoleum has stopped moving, you can jump up the steps and enter the main structure. Interact with the corpse and you’ll be given the option to use Remembrance Duplication. This will duplicate a Remembrance — which are special items dropped by major bosses like Shardbearers. Most bosses will not drop a Remembrance, so they’re rare rewards you don’t want to waste.
- Remembrance Duplication can only be used once per Walking Mausoleum. If you duplicate a remembrance, you won’t be able to do it again from the same mausoleum. You’ll have to find another one.
Remembrance is used at the Finger Reader in the Roundtable Hold. This NPC’s room is unlocked after unlocking your first Remembrance. Take it to her and you’ll get the option to create a boss weapon. Each Remembrance can produce two different boss weapons — but it gets used up. If you use Remembrance Duplication, you can get both boss weapons in a single playthrough. Not a bad trade-off! You might want to save the duplication until later, when you’re sure you want to get both boss weapons.
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