Roderika is a mysterious maiden residing in the Stormhill Shack, just down the road from the main entrance into Stormveil Castle, your first major Shardbearer location. Like all side-quests in Elden Ring, there are no side-quest markers or instructions. The game will just quietly make her disappear if you don’t progress her storyline, forever cutting you off from the powerful upgrading ability she unlocks. Roderika isn’t a normal lady. If you manage to save her, she’ll gain the ability to upgrade your Ash Spirit — spectral AI helpers you can summon to make fighting big monsters a little easier.
To save Roderika and complete her quest, you’ll need to reach Stormveil Castle to the northeast of the first starting point in the game. Everyone will tell you to defeat the first Shardbearer, but it isn’t quite clear where to go at first. The main path to Stormveil Castle is incredibly treacherous, but there are other ways you can navigate the world, and other places you can explore to power yourself up for the difficult challenges ahead.
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How To Find Roderika & Complete Her Side-Quest

You’ll first encounter Roderika on the road to Stormveil Castle. In the Stormhill area, follow the path to the castle and you’ll find a Site of Grace called Stormhill Shack. Talk to Roderika inside. She’ll tell about her retinue of men who were captured and “grafted” by Roderick. She wants to join them — and she will. Try to complete this quest before fighting Roderick, The Grafted.
To save Roderika, you need to bring her a key item from Stormveil Castle.
- Travel into the “Grafting Room” beneath the King’s Dining Chamber in Stormveil Castle. There is a butchery and a disgusting room where body parts are tied to ropes hanging from the ceiling and guarded by a large spider with human limbs. You can access this room by following a hidden tower platforming path from the Rampart Tower checkpoint.
- From the butchery / hanging limb room, look for a door leading to a courtyard outside. There is a pile of wrapped dead bodies being fed to dogs.
- On top of the pile of bodies, you’ll find the Chrysalid’s Note key item.
Take the Chrysalid’s Note back to Roderika in Stormhill Shack. The note will change Roderika’s mind, and she’ll agree to return to the Roundtable Hole instead. She is saved, but she won’t have any use until you complete one more step.
How To Unlock Ash Spirit Attunement

Next time you travel to the Roundtable Hold, Roderika will safely appear inside. Now you can complete the remaining steps at any point in the game. To get her to become an Ash Spirit Attuner — a vendor that can upgrade your Spirit Ash summons that appear when using your Spirit — you need to follow these steps.
- Talk to Roderika when she arrives at Roundtable Hold. She’ll give you a Golden Seed reward.
- Talk to the Blacksmith in Roundtable Hold. Select his new dialogue option.
- Return to Roderika and select her new dialogue option. Finally, talk to the Blacksmith again, selecting his new dialogue option.
Next time you visit, Roderika will setup shop. Now you can enhance your Spirit Ashes. If you haven’t acquired the ability to summon Spirit Ashes yet, return to the Church of Elleh right new the very start of the game. If you’ve never visited before, return a second time and a witch NPC will appear that will reward you with the Spirit Ash Bell.
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