Minecraft’s world is generated randomly, based on a series of “seeds” that populate the world with the necessary details to make up any Minecraft environment. It’s an almost unlimited game world based on algorithms that’ll make your mind explode if you try to think too hard about how the coders made it work. By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that, but thankfully, seeds can be influenced and copied and pasted into Minecraft’s underlying code, allowing players to share the core worlds they play in.
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Needless to say, forums, communities and wikis for Minecraft have been collecting some of the most interesting seeds available to the game on the PS4, so we’ve decided to collect them all in one place for you to have a choice in determining the world you build your game of Minecraft in.
The following selection of seeds is just a small sample of the countless worlds that the game can create on Minecraft for the PS4. Take a look at some of the current seeds or go back and enjoy some of the past discoveries.
Best Minecraft PS4 Seeds
[NOTE: To enter a seed, input the BOLDED seed titles listed below into the Seed Generator.]
Latest Seeds
It looks like some weird, unfortunate set of events caused a shipwreck to land on top of a mansion. That could make for an interesting build. You can find this generation at -550,280,150.
Check out this seed. Someone uncovered a seed generation that put a village built around a shipwreck that wound up in the mountains. You’ll just need to venture over to 120,80,200.
It’s no mirage. In this seed someone managed to come across four desert temples floating in the ocean. You can find these all in the same general area of -187,93,-306.
Here is a seed that features a massive crater within the hillside featuring a village within it. I’m sure there are plenty of interesting creations you can build up from this area. You’ll find the location at 348,141,-261.
Check out this seed. It looks like someone managed to find a seed that mashes together an ancient city, a stronghold, and a trial chamber. Just venture over to -4013,-11,3638.
Okay now here is an interesting find. It looks like someone came across an area with a village and woodland mansion. However, surrounding the area are frozen mountains. This could prompt for an interesting survival map. You’ll find the area at -280,374,-90.
Here is a seed that makes for a fantastic build location. In this seed you’ll get a giant island filled with a mountainous terrain. You could even leave it as is because this is one island that looks impressive just as it was generated. Just head to 425,148,31.
Here’s a broken seed you got to check out. Someone managed to generate a world where you spawn right next to a massive desert temple. The structures around it is also quite a jumbled mess.
I personally love to see seeds that generate shipwrecks. If you enjoy them as well then check out this seed. Someone managed to find a shipwreck that is entangled above an iceberg. That can make for quite an interesting start to a build. Head over to -950,420 to find the ship.
This seed has a very unique world generation right at spawn. Players will be tossed right onto a giant island that looks like a makeshift tower. There are plenty of interesting ideas you can build just from this spawn location.
Here is a seed that looks to be an excellent build if you’re after a pirate cover. You’ll find an open cave that goes right to a body of water. You just need to venture over to -78,63,897.
Here’s an unusual seed. In this world generation you can find a Woodland Mansion spawned right on top of an Ocean Temple. You just need to venture to 216,64,309.
Survival island seeds are pretty common to find. However, one seed in particular might be well worth checking out. Someone managed to find a survival island seed with a Woodland Mansion right in the middle along with a nearby village.
This seed found has a pretty decent location if you’re after dungeons with spawners. The discovery here that might make you pick this seed up is that one dungeon has spawners located right next to each other. You’ll find a skeleton, spider, and zombie spawners. You just have to head over to the coordinates 1218,9,6437.
If you like cherry blossom seeds then check this one. It’s another incredible location by spawn where you’re surrounded by a field of cherry blossoms and mountains. This is one spawn that looks immaculate.
Some seeds are just stunning to check out like this one. One individual came across a cherry biome village. You’ll find a small little village tucked away deep within the snowy mountains. It’s a small little sanctuary as the village is surrounded by a vast forest of cherry blossom trees. You can view the entire village at 92,214,-2.
In this seed we’re getting a really cool generation of a Woodland Mansion that’s almost entirely hidden away. You can barely make out where it’s located with the amount of foliage around it. Furthermore, it looks like the mansion is partly generated in a cavern. To find the Woodland Mansion you need to reach the following coordinates, 141,104,43.
Here’s another seed to check out if you’re after something visually impressive. This seed will generate a large dark oak forest but surrounding the forest is a series of large mountains, cutting it off from the rest of the world. You just have to venture to the coordinates 1334,257,4267.
In this seed players are going to get a truly massive crater to explore or setup an insane base out of. The size of the meteor that had to smash down on this planet must have been huge. Just head to the following coordinates to see the crater. 90,63,-147.
Here’s an interesting seed generation. What sparked so much attention with this seed is that there are two villages spawned next to each other but on two different biomes. You have an Acacia village along with a Plain village. You can find them at -78,156.
Looking for just an unusual seed generation worth visiting? This seed was uncovered for both Java and Bedrock, so it should work perfectly fine on console platforms. If you head to the coordinates 19412,-308 and look at a birdseye view, you can spot what fans are calling “the eye of Minecraft.” It’s an interesting lake and biome setup that could be perfect for setting up your personal shelter.
A gorgeous mountain with a huge cave. There are a lot of slopes and forests all around the huge mountain. In front of the mountain, you will also find an outpost with some great loot inside. There are waterfalls flowing into rivers all around the place.
Now this seed is rather cool. Here you can find a truly massive sinkhole within an open body of water. In the depths below, you’ll find a cavern structure and a pit of lava. This view looks like a perfect fantasy spot, and best of all, you can get this seed generation on both Java and Bedrock. All you’ll need to do is head over to the coordinates -425,-770 to see the sinkhole for yourself.