Depending on your choices at the very end of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, you can reach a very different ending. While the choices aren’t as extensive as they are in previous games in the series like Black Ops 2, there are still some wild twists. Some of these endings seem completely impossible for the Black Ops story to continue — but who knows, this might be a different timeline altogether.
We’ll try to avoid too many spoilers in the descriptions below. There are three major endings — really, two endings with two major variations, and many smaller variants that also change depending on your actions in the campaign. If you want to know what changes your ending, check the guide below. There’s two different missions you’ll get to play through, and both reveal interesting facets to the story.
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The Truth Ending
During the mission “Identity Crisis” choose the “Truth” option. This unlocks “The Final Countdown” mission — play through it to get the “best” ending… which isn’t that great.

The Ambush Ending
During the mission “Identity Crisis” choose the “Lie” option. After lying, rush to the gate in the back of the safe house. You must unlock this door earlier in your playthrough to get this ending option.
Rush to the back room and use the radio to call-in an ambush. This will unlock the mission “Ashes To Ashes” as your final mission.
The Failed Lie Ending
Like the previous ending, choose to “Lie” but don’t use the radio to call an ambush. In this ending, you won’t be able to get revenge — it’s just over for you.
This will also unlock the mission “Ashes To Ashes” but changes the outcome.

There are many other small endings that will change depending on whether you side with Perseus or Adler. Minor parts of the ending will change depending on the following choices.
- Whether you recruit or kill Qadim.
- Whether you kill or capture Volkov.
- Whether you complete Operation: Chaos.
- Whether you complete Operation: Red Circus.
- Whether you save Park or Lazar — or let both die.
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