Money is your most valuable resource in Spelunky 2. With gold, you can safely purchase more bombs, ropes, and gear to make your trip to the bottom of the ever-changing dungeon a lot easier. And Spelunky 2 includes some pretty wacky ways to earn extra cash. There are way more methods for earning big dollars in Spelunky 2, and we’re going to list all the money-making methods here.
Some of these methods require a lot of luck, while others will appear in every single stage. None of these methods will trigger the shopkeepers to attack you either — that’s one thing we’re all trying to avoid for long-term runs. Short-term that’s a good strategy, but if you want to survive for long, that’s a very dangerous proposition. So we’re taking a safer route this time.
For all the wacky and weird methods to spawn tons of cash, check out the guide below. We’ll add more money-making methods as they’re discovered.
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Secret Ways To Earn Tons Of Gold
The Gold Pooping Monkey: Deliver a caveman and a gold statue head to a Kali statue to get a gold monkey. This monkey doesn’t attack — it follows you around and poops gold!
The Pot O’ Gold: Defeat a leprechaun to spawn a 4-Leaf Clover. Grab it, and search the map — if you can find the rainbow marker on the map, bomb / dig the area to reveal a pot of gold. Hit the pot to spawn up to 10,000 gold! Leprechauns start to spawn in biome 2L and 2R.
The All-Seeing Treasure Eye: Collect the Eye of Udjat in the Dwelling (first zone) — look for a gold key to unlock the chest. This allows you to see all treasure hidden in the environment.
Cursed Pots: Smash the vases with ghost faces to gain 5,000 coins. It summons a ghost instantly — you can pick up the pot and throw it to curse enemies!
Turkey Lords: In the Dwelling, you’ll sometimes find Turkey Lords. These wranglers want you to bring two lost turkeys to their pen. Put all three in the pen, and you’ll get a key to a treasure room. It isn’t much, but if you have time and turkeys, it’s worth doing.
The City Of Gold: The legendary City of Gold is where you’ll find a truly insane amount of cash. Everything is made of gold! Reaching it is tough — the gold door spawns in 4-2, but you’ll need two specific items to unlock it. Well, actually four.
- Collect the Udjat Eye from the chest. The key and chest spawn in 1-2 or 1-3.
- Use the Udjat Eye to find the secret entrance to the Black Market in the jungle. The Black Market door appears in 2-2, 2-3, or 2-4. When you’re close, the Udjat Eye will blink and then glow.
- Go to the Black Market and purchase the Hedjet.
- Continue down to the Olmec boss fight. Reach the very bottom of his lair and enter a cave. Follow the caves to the top to gain the Ankh.
- Enter the Temple of Anubis from Olmec’s Lair. In 4-1, defeat Anubis to collect his Scepter.
- Use the Scepter and Hedjet to open the City of Gold door in 4-2.
Complicated enough? That’s the quickest explanation, and it still requires a ton of work. If you’re good enough, you can reach the City of Gold and reap the benefits.