5: You Can Target Enemies / Allies With Skills, But You Can Target Yourself Too
When you deploy skills like turrets, seekers, and drones, you’ll quickly learn that you can target enemies or allies by tapping the deploy skill button when aiming at your target. But, you might not realize that you can recall your healing drones. Double-tap the deploy button to send your healing drone back to you.
6: Healing HIVE Grenades Don’t Just Heal You — They Heal Your Skills Too
Those HIVE grenades don’t just heal your allies (and you), they also repair skills within their green circle. Drop a turret into the circle, and the HIVE grenade will keep it repaired. HIVE grenades are designed to restore armor for anything standing in the circle, and it’s nice to know that your deployables are also protected. That makes the HIVE healing grenade and a turret a good pairing for beginners.