It would figure that on the same day the celebrity rag trade gasps in indignation at Chris Brown's insensitive new tattoo featuring a battered woman (trigger warning), a photo would surface online of Rihanna –that is, the woman Chris Brown beat, not that that's gone on to affect his career in the slightest– modeling a Hitman: Absolution hoodie.
Let's soak in the irony of the above image, snapped by the game's director, Tory Blystad.
For those who have been living under a rock, Hitman: Absolution recently made waves, not for the normal things we might like a game to make waves about, but for its astoundingly misogynistic trailer featuring a bunch of sexified nun-hitwomen being brutalized by the series protagonist. For any female celebrity to be showing off paraphernalia for this game exhibits an astounding lack of decorum on the part of the developers and clothesline Trapstar, but did it have to be Rihanna?
We don't have words for this, honestly. If this is some kind of not-so-subtle joke, it's not very funny.
Via Eurogamer.