While Treyarch just released a commentary trailer yesterday, the studio has released a new video again…but I doubt it's something that will excite you unless website accolades get you all hot and bothered.
Yep, the trailer does not show new gameplay, but instead focuses on showing people all over the world all the praise the game's multiplayer component got at Gamescom. Stuff like "Best Multiplayer of Gamescom," Best Game at Gamescom," and "Melted Eyes and Made Water Turn to Wine" are bandied about (that last part was, of course, not real).
Give it a watch for yourself.
To break all that back-patting monotony, the clip also shows the audience getting their mitts on the game and their reaction. Again, you're going to see a lot of smiles, cheers and thumb-upping going all over the place.
Honestly, does Black Ops 2 even need anything like this? It's not like there's a Battlefield game releasing this year to make them sweat their boots a little, right? Yes, there's Medal of Honor Warfighter, but even if that game turns out to be better, I expect Black Ops 2 to outsell it 2:1 at the very least just on the brand alone.
Do you agree with my assessment or is the franchise on the decline?